[dance-tech] Arduino Workshop in Barcelona

  • From: pedro <pedruski@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: dance-tech@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 18:57:45 +0100

Directed by David Cuartilelles
Assisted by Alex Posada
30/01/06 -> 04/02/06.
11h -> 19h.


What is Arduino?

Arduino is an open platform for physical computing based on a simple
circuit board and the software Processing/wiring. Arduino can be used to
develop autonomous interactive objects or can be conected to software in
a computer (Flash, Processing, Pure Data, MaxMSP etc.).

Arduino is a free hardware project that belongs to nobody and is
supported by many.

The development team is formed by Massimo Banzi, David Cuartielles, Tom
Igoe, David Mellis and Nicholas Zambetti.



Who should participate ?

The workshop is directed to a wide spectrum of participants : digital
and intermedia artists, multimedia designers, performers, dancers, video
artists, programmers, architects and in general those interested in
interactivity beyond the mouse/keyboard.

No previous electronics or programming knowledge is required (though
they are welcome !!)


Materials :

1 Arduino kit and 1 kit of basic sensors for each participant is
included in the price of subscription. It is recommended that each
participant brings a portable computer and a usb cable (flat to square -
as used by most printers or hard disks). A limited number of computers
and cables are also provided by Hangar as well as basic electronic tools
like soldering irons etc. More specialised material will also be
available to try during the workshop.


Inscription :

The cost of the workshop is 50 euros. This covers the price of the
abovementioned materials that each participant can take with them at the
end of the workshop.

Inscription is open from the 16th of january to the 21st of january.
Please send an email to Alex Posada (alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) including :

*a paragraph explaining your interest for the workshop. If you have a
specific project in mind do mention it.
*a short cv

You will be informed on the 23rd of january of your selection.



Passatge del Marquès de Sta. Isabel, 40.
Can Ricart
08018 Barcelona

Tf-fax: +34 93 3084041

info : alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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  • » [dance-tech] Arduino Workshop in Barcelona