[csdn-sa] Policy on pricing

  • From: dcd <azmon@xxxxxx>
  • To: csdn-sa <csdn-sa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2002 11:50:37 +0930

   I've been listening to the various threads concerning pricing and it 
seems that the one point we all agree on is that the cd's should not 
cost the customer more than $5 per cd, especially given that there are 
commercial concerns charging this price already. However some people are 
not comfortable with charging this much. 

    I suggest that the following formulae/policy would allow us all a 
little freedom in the way we operate and allow people to cater better to 
the way they find the market in their area.

1. Max. price of $5 per cd (plus postage if required)
2. 50% of the sale price returned to the distribution sold
3. The remainder after costs to be accumulated for the purpose of 
supporting linux locally.

1. a. As stated above we all agree on a max. of $5 per cd as about the 
highest the market will support.
1. b. However in some areas even this would be reguarded as to much and 
people will download it. thus defeating the purpose of our group anyway.
1. c. By only stating a max price, we give ourselves some room to cater 
to the market as we actually find it. eg. It provides for the concept of 
getting it cheaper if they provide the cd's

2. a. The creators of the distro should be rewarded proportionally to 
the popularity of their particular distro (ie receive something per cd sold)
2. b. Why should someone who has just copied it, make more from it than 
the people  who worked on it do? (hence 50% per cd) This would also be a 
marketable sale point reguardless of the actual price.
2. c. Remember most people are aware that the cd itself can be bought 
for under a dollar

3. a. Obviously people shouldn't be out of pocket and shouldn't feel 
guilty about recovering costs
3. b. Local linux initiatives need support however even they need the 
distro's first. and there is nothing stopping us from raising funds, 
through other means to add to their kitty.

Finally, and I know I'm restating a point here, a flexible policy as 
outlined above, allows the individuals in a Community group to cater to 
their local community in the manner they feel most comfortable with.


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  • » [csdn-sa] Policy on pricing