[cryptome] Listen: Do you want to know a secret? MI6 chief shares secrets of his school days

  • From: douglasrankine <douglasrankine@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Cryptome FL <cryptome@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 3 Apr 2021 11:24:18 +0100

see url: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/mi6-chief-shares-secrets-of-his-school-days-pmwd36h37

see full article for more revelations...😉  I wonder how the Times managed to decrypt the briefing from C or is it M...😉 These people always speak cryptically or in codes...BooL$HIt UbIGUit0oS  Nun$En$£  00$EvEn 😉


As the head of Britain’s foreign intelligence service, one might have expected Richard Moore to have devoted his younger years to studying hard.

But the MI6 chief has admitted that he only ever attended half a dozen lectures in three years at Oxford University — deciding to spend his time playing hockey and seeing his girlfriend instead.

In a deeply personal first interview as “C”, as he is known in Whitehall, he admitted he was “not the perfect student” and made a point of only spending two days a week doing academic work. “I had too much else to do!”, he told the magazine of his alma mater, St George’s College in Weybridge.

Moore, 57, also revealed that he loves “trashy thriller TV box sets” and that spies are nothing like how they are portrayed in the James Bond films, the television series Spooks, or John Le CarrĂ© novels.

Described jokingly as a “bit of a rogue” by a security source, Moore explained how he met his now wife, Maggie, who is blind, while on a pilgrimage to Lourdes, southwest France, in 1981.

>>>End of Quote

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  • » [cryptome] Listen: Do you want to know a secret? MI6 chief shares secrets of his school days - douglasrankine