[cryptome] French power threat leaves Britain facing the nuclear option

  • From: douglasrankine <douglasrankine@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Cryptome FL <cryptome@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 6 May 2021 15:01:32 +0100

see url: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2021/05/05/french-power-threat-leaves-britain-facing-nuclear-option/

Looks like the UK will have to expand its nuclear option to create an independent home electric power grid.  We import 7% of French nuclear power every year and it is continuing to rise...


French ceased to be the lingua franca of diplomacy decades ago as Paris’s influence in the world waned. Still, it’s a shock to see Brexit and the pandemic turn France into Europe’s enfant terrible.

Stung by another surge in Covid cases, widespread criticism of its sluggish vaccine programme, and with opinion polls giving Marine Le Pen an outside chance of an earthquake election victory next year, Macron’s cabinet can no longer be trusted to behave properly on the international stage.

After its outrageous threat to block vaccine exports to the UK, the French government has stooped to a new low as a row over post-Brexit fishing rights deepens.

Having previously threatened to block UK financial firms from operating in Europe if Britain does not give French fisherman access to British waters, France is now threatening to cut off electricity supplies to Jersey over the new licensing regime for fishing off the island’s coast.

It’s the sort of desperate and disproportionate act you would expect from a sworn enemy of the West like Vladimir Putin, not one of our oldest and closest European allies. Indeed, when Russia invaded Crimea in 2014, it halted gas supplies to the Ukraine as part of the dispute.

Still, no one really expects the French to follow through with its intimidation tactics, even if relations are depressingly low. A warning of “retaliatory measures” from French Maritime Minister Annick Girardin will be treated as a hollow threat from a government desperate to cover up for multiple failures during a crisis.

Nevertheless, the mere fact that a foreign territory could petulantly flick a switch and plunge part of the British isles into darkness should serve as a wake-up call for the UK and energy policy in a post-Brexit world.

In a bid to drive polluting fossil fuels out of the energy system, the government has piled into renewables with clean power generating more electricity than gas and coal last year, for the first time ever.

>>>End of Quote

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  • » [cryptome] French power threat leaves Britain facing the nuclear option - douglasrankine