[cryptome] Fact check: Arizona audit chief baselessly raises suspicion about 74,000 ballots

  • From: "Doug" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Redacted sender "douglasrankine" for DMARC)
  • To: Cryptome FL <cryptome@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2021 11:57:51 +0100

see url: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/07/18/politics/fact-check-maricopa-audit-arizona-cyber-ninjas-74000/index.html


Arizona's Senate held a Thursday briefing on the ongoing Republican-initiated "audit" of the 2020 election in Maricopa County, where Joe Biden outperformed Donald Trump by enough of a margin to win the state.

The review is being conducted by Cyber Ninjas, a cybersecurity firm that has no experience in election auditing. And the company's chief executive officer, Doug Logan, made some Thursday claims that were immediately called into question by the county and independent experts.
Here's a brief look at two of them.
The 74,000 ballots
Logan said that door-to-door questioning of Maricopa County voters is the "one way" the auditors could determine whether what they are seeing in the elections data are "real problems" or "clerical errors of some sort."
"For example, we have 74,243 mail-in ballots where there is no clear record of them being sent," he said.
Logan made clear that this wasn't necessarily a case of fraud, saying it could be a "clerical issue." But his claim about an unexplained 74,000-plus ballot gap between the county's list of mail-in ballots received and its list of mail-in ballots sent out was amplified on Twitter by Liz Harrington, the spokeswoman for former President Donald Trump, and by numerous other Trump supporters, such as Republican Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert. Some of them, including Boebert, went further than Logan did.
"In Arizona, 74,000 ballots were counted with no record of being sent in. That's not normal. That's not right. That's not safe nor is it secure," Boebert wrote.
On Friday, Trump himself went further than Logan. In a written statement, he claimed that the Thursday Senate briefing showed "74,000 mail in ballots received that were never mailed (magically appearing ballots)."
Facts First: There is no evidence of either fraud or any significant error with these ballots, and certainly not "magically appearing ballots." Both Maricopa County and outside experts say there is a simple explanation for the gap Logan claimed had not been explained: the existence of in-person early voting. Contrary to Logan's claims, the ballot lists he was talking about include not only mail-in ballots but also ballots cast early in person.
Here's why it's entirely normal for Maricopa County's submitted-ballots list to include a significant number of votes that do not match up with entries on the requested-ballots list. After the deadline to request a mail-in ballot, which was October 23 in 2020, the requested-ballot list doesn't get updated by the county. But the submitted-ballots list does get updated after that October 23 deadline -- with the votes of in-person early voters.
Logan's suggestion of some sort of unsolved mystery was definitively debunked by Garrett Archer, an election analyst at ABC15 television in Phoenix and a former official in the Arizona secretary of state's office, who is known locally and on Twitter for his mastery of the state's elections data.

Facts First: The office of Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, a Republican elected in 2020, strongly denied this claim. "At no point during the 2020 election cycle did Maricopa County modify the rigorous signature verification requirements. Any suggestion to the contrary is categorically false," the recorder's office said on Twitter.
Logan was not clear on who supposedly reduced the comparison standard and how widespread the supposed change was. We can't, of course, definitively fact check what happened or didn't happen at each and every elections office in the county, especially without seeing the affidavit Logan referred to

>>>End of Quote

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  • » [cryptome] Fact check: Arizona audit chief baselessly raises suspicion about 74,000 ballots - Doug