[cryptome] 988 people have been shot and killed by police in the past year in the USA

  • From: douglasrankine <douglasrankine@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Cryptome FL <cryptome@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2021 11:56:57 +0100

see url: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/investigations/police-shootings-database/

see full report and graphs...Either the constitutional law enforcement system in the US is racist...or the blacks and ethnic minorities have criminality in their genes...😉

What do you folks think? Does the use of guns make all citizens of the United States not only feel safer, but actually safer, in that it actually deters the use or carrying of weapons instead of encouraging it; or should a radical change in law enforcement take place, where the racist element and training in the police force is removed, along with the shoot first mentality and work out why it was legal afterwards, and introduce more non-lethal forms of strategies and straightforward approaches to dealing with all citizens with equal hands...so that there is truly protect and serving of the citizens going on...And should those police mafias called unions have their teeth removed and take on a purely consultative and advisory role, and the oversight of police forces be taken away from the police and vested in the ordinary citizenry via properly constituted and representative, apolitical oversight boards...and should law enforcement officers disciplinary records be public knowledge and be revealed in cases where it shows a consistent pattern in using guns and shooting people?


In 2015, The Washington Post began to log every fatal shooting by an on-duty police officer in the United States. In that time there have been more than 5,000 such shootings recorded by The Post.

After Michael Brown, an unarmed Black man, was killed in 2014 by police in Ferguson, Mo., a Post investigation found that the FBI undercounted fatal police shootings by more than half. This is because reporting by police departments is voluntary and many departments fail to do so.

The Post’s data relies primarily on news accounts, social media postings and police reports. Analysis of more than five years of data reveals that the number and circumstances of fatal shootings and the overall demographics of the victims have remained relatively constant.
Rate of shootings remains steady

Despite the unpredictable events that lead to fatal shootings, police nationwide have shot and killed almost the same number of people annually — nearly 1,000 — since The Post began its project. Probability theory may offer an explanation. It holds that the quantity of rare events in huge populations tends to remain stable absent major societal changes, such as a fundamental shift in police culture or extreme restrictions on gun ownership.
Black Americans are killed at a much higher rate than White Americans

Although half of the people shot and killed by police are White, Black Americans are shot at a disproportionate rate. They account for less than 13 percent of the U.S. population, but are killed by police at more than twice the rate of White Americans. Hispanic Americans are also killed by police at a disproportionate rate.

>>>End of Quote

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  • » [cryptome] 988 people have been shot and killed by police in the past year in the USA - douglasrankine