Re: [cpsig] Re: Overland CP E-8

  • From: KVRailway <kvrailway@xxxxxxx>
  • To: cpsig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 17:20:22 -0700

Maybe if we flood them with request from the east coast to the west coast, we may get them to listen. What do you think?????


I think that you will be up against the same problem that authors of Canadian books (especially specialty railway books) are up against. Manufacturers, like publishers, know that they will sell 1,000-3000 of these specialty Canadian items and then after that, there won't be a whole lot of sustained demand for them. Not the kind of demand that there is for certain of the more popular American roads, anyway.

Joe Smuin

- "Joey, the secret to telling a good railway story is to always try to stick just as close to the facts as possible." --- Cliff Inkster.
- The secret to contacting Joe by email is to be sure to insert "Joe" or "Mr. Smuin" into the main text portion of any message you send to him, and thus your message should percolate through his spam filters.

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