Re: Magical Group Alchemy and Personal Tranformations in CT

  • From: david mathes <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ConstellationTalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 09:20:07 +1000

Dear Donald,

Great post, sounds like a magical experience! I have never seen Ed work, but I have seen him dance and that was very beautiful, grounded and graceful, so I imagine his workshops have a similar quality.

I hope to get to the US conference next year, for some new experiences and learning.

I think you are fortunate to be the 'receiver' of this experience. I remember a couple of years back I was starting to get what I call 'representative envy'. I had been facilitating what seemed like every week for a year but had never been to another's workshop, so I wanted to get what the representatives were getting. I have since found a useful way to change this.

I think the energy you talk about is available in any workshop but it seems to arise more in the longer experiences. I prefer to hold 4 day workshops and am looking forward to holding longer ones. As a Gestalt therapist and Constellation Facilitator and Organisational Consultant and Human Being I find all these blend together in the workshop. Its very useful what can be noticed in the group by both me and the group and how we can make this relevant to individual work. As you see participants interact in certain ways you can help them be aware of this and it seems to make the work they do in the workshop more meaningful. There is much fun you can have, but it is serious fun, in terms of where people sit, whether they come late or early, how they sit, how they come into or withdraw from the workshop. And then, how things move during the workshop, how they change where they sit, bring their chair forward or back, or wear different clothes. And how their state changes over the workshop re stability or openness for example. And all this is relevant to the group as well, how certain cases effect the group energy, how certain clients effect the group, and how the structure of the circle, or not, effects the work. Now we even do exercises where we change the shape of the seating, the structure, and see how that effects the work. Its very good for Organisational teaching. The list goes on. In business workshops we work more on how the relevant aspects of a system show up in the workshop, talking about and seeing how the group holds the work, how the way I take up leadership effects the work, noticing what roles people take in the group. We even do exercises on group self-organisation around tasks etc. But all these things can be linked back to Systemic Constellation work. In the longer workshops often themes arise and then these can be explored in more depth by designing exercises. eg, Leadership, What is the energy of Family Business and Succession, or what is the energy of the 'Master', how do you relate to your Goals, or to your last Constellation.

The Constellation space can hold much if you learn how to work in this way. If you allow it to support you, the space seems like a creative palette to blend with the energy of the group, and what you as leader feel and notice and decide to do.

So people come to do cases, but often the feedback I get afterwards from these longer workshops is like what you said, Donald, its the overall experience that counts. in a way, the constellation leads to something fuller, bigger. But these things are available in the shorter workshops too. I have just held 2 half day workshops and this alchemy was there too. Its the bigger picture.

I think the way you, Donald, described the experience with Ed, shows that it can be important to move our focus away from 'doing cases', then we maybe have the fixer energy in "there is nothing to fix, but many things to honour" so eloquently said recently. We know from our work that everything has its place, so there is a place for this fixer energy, and in constellations it maybe the client who comes to heal something in the family, without even knowing it. I think sometimes if we say "Please thank your representatives" and move to the next client, we may be fixing the workshop, doing the cases. However, if we move slower, if we wait, then maybe we move the work from addressing the symptom to something deeper, the deeper pattern, the deeper healing or cry or scream, if the client and the group and we can hold this.

I think we all have cases, I call them classics, the ones that really teach us something important. I had one of those at a business workshop a couple of years back. By the third day we had re-contracted to move from the business issue to go into the personal issue, deeply, and then see how it effected the business issue. So, at the end of the workshop, thinking about finishing, along comes a really big case, these cases often come near the end. A business issue but then the woman said that the way she carries her business, and the men, is how it is at home and in growing up. And an hour later, in a very big room we have this big constellation, seemingly stuck with energy moving around, and representatives changing who they seem to be representing, and me scratching my head. But you know there is support because the group want to continue. Sometimes the constellation is showing you something, if only you could see it. So a group of female ancestors are showing us something but we can't se it. Then one of them has to go to the toilet, and when she comes back a very wise person whispered in my ear, "It is that time of the month for her" Oh. And then I see the obvious, the female ancestor the furthest back is wearing a bright red coat. And then it all heals and the healing phrases are said about true womanhood being suppressed, and the men being scared of it, and the women feels it has changed now at work. And we all sit down and have one of those alchemic moments when everyone really sees each other, and the connecting energy has a subtle indescribability about it, and you remind the group to breathe. And then three or four people spoke about how that was the most important constellation at the workshop and that had been the most healing for them. Then my incredibly valued assistant/translator and I looked at each other and then shared with the group what we had noticed, Those who spoke had not done their case and were all men.

I am very glad Ed found and made the space in our fast-paced, time poor, disconnected world, to hold his intensive, may that lead to many others.

And for those of you in the Northern parts of the globe having holidays, have a good time.

all the best

David Mathes

Sydney and Beijing.

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