[CTS] Newsletter E-mail software.

  • From: "Eric C. Vogel" <ECVogel@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <computertalkshop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 13:01:41 -0500

My company is just starting to send out newsletters. (Opt-in for general 
public, clients are out Opt-Out). Not my desision. But, Outlook makes it to 
hard. I have to manage three folders (more in future) One for each agent and 
one for people opting in on the website. I created a distrobution list. The 
problem is, any changes in the distro list do not reflect in the public folder.

Is there anything out there to make this easier? Otherwise it is going to be a 
pain to add/remove people.

I would prefer a Outlook Plug-in, but as long as it accepts csv's. We do not 
need spammer tools. (We do not need harvestors or anything like this as the 
public would have to visit our website and opt-in.)

Thank you,
Eric Vogel

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