[CTS] Re: Fwd: support costs (RUSS? Charles, gang?)

  • From: Hal Brown <hbrown@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: computertalkshop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2004 17:49:32 -0500

Level of experience and knowledge is the key, but without that you shouldn't
be doing it anyway.  The usual rate around here is $50 to $75 an hour.  It
doesn't matter what you're doing as long as it's part of the job expected. 
I'm like Russ, I won't walk in the building for $25.  On the other hand they
know what to expect; either I fix the problem or get someone who can, and
quickly.  If I'm setting up work stations or pulling my hair out over a
network problem, the price is still the same.  Why do anything for half the
money I could be making somewhere else.

A couple of months ago I had to call in a guy to help with the design of a
new network.  His rate is $125 an hour.  Had a Cisco problem last summer and
even this guy couldn't figure it out, so he called Cisco.  If they send
someone out it's $250 an hour.

I have a guy who does all the cable work for me.  He is $50 an hour, or $100
per cable/jack run.  But then he certifies cables and maintains a truck with
all the gear to do just about anything with cabling.  He is worth every
penny of what he makes.  When he leaves a job I know it's done without a
fault, and his work is so neat it's a pleasure to look at.

I was talking with a guy last week about the quality of work some people in
this industry do, and he brought something to my attention I hadn't thought
about before.  Like electricians, carpenters, and other trades, we need a
guild, where a young man can go and learn, both from experience and theory. 
An apprenticeship system would solve a lot of the shoddy work and help
determine who can do the job and who can't.  Not only that, we know this
system works because it has for centurys.  This would alleviate the per
company certification crap that exists now as well, and when someone is
hired, his background is known.

On Sat, Mar 06, 2004 at 05:31:47PM -0500, John Madden duly noted:
>>  I want to charge friends father $25 1st hour /$15 addl 4 pc
>> work sounds reasonable?
>Depends on the work, the actual expected duration of work and, of course,
>your level of experience. :)  $25/hour seems reasonable for typical
>troubleshooting and such...
># John Madden,  weez@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
># Shameless plug: MailandFiles.com - Premium E-Mail and Files
--------end quoted text----------

Hal Brown                              mailto: hal@xxxxxxxx
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