Emergency Re-Scheduling of Blogging & Techno Webinar

  • From: "Kimberly A. Schavey" <kimberly@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: CollabLaw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 14:42:29 -0600

Dear Registrants for the Free Webinar (and the rest of us):

Due to an emergency situation involving serious child abuse, our esteemed presenter, Grant Griffiths, will be in a Kansas Courtroom tomorrow afternoon. Despite trying to move heaven and earth to accommodate both this child's safety and our webinar appointment, Grant was unable to make the schedule work. Thus, we need to re- schedule to another day. Grant sends his heartfelt apologies, and I am sure that we all can understand that criminal child abuse takes priority over much else in our practices.

We propose FRIDAY, MAY 18TH, AT 4:00 P.M. EASTERN TIME (3 Central, 2 Mountain, 1 Pacific). All prior RSVP's will be respected for the webinar (I have about 20), and Grant informs me that the phone conference and Gotowebinar programs can accommodate around 100 attendees. So, if you still want on the bandwagon, it is not too late! Just respond to me (preferably off-list, to Kimberly@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and I will put you on the RSVP list.

You do not need to be a member of the IACP, or even a member of this listserve, to participate. If you have shared this info with someone not on the list, please forward it to them (this means YOU, jKim!) so they know about the re-scheduling.

I am heading to California and Oregon for some fun and relaxation, so will not generally be available next week. If you have questions in the meanwhile, you can reach Grant Griffiths at gdgrifflaw@xxxxxxx. He is happy to help with your blogging questions pending the re- scheduled webinar.

Remember, you can gather as many folks as you want around your computer and speaker phone as well!

I am grateful to be a part of a group that has great understanding and compassion for our practice schedules. Looking very much forward to May 18th!

Kimberly A. Schavey, Attorney at Law
3900 Juan Tabo Blvd., NE
Albuquerque, NM  87111-3984
505-839-1965 / 866-573-0972 fax
Kimberly@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx www.NMFamilyLaw.com
Collaborative Attorney

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  • » Emergency Re-Scheduling of Blogging & Techno Webinar - Kimberly A. Schavey