[cocomud] Re: Creating an dmanaging channels

  • From: cocomud@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: cocomud@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2017 11:35:49 +0100

Hi Moritz,

There is indeed a help file but it's buried in the trigger help file, which is already too long.  Besides, for the time being, in order to create channels, one has to edit the file manually, for it's not really supported in the interface.  The irony is, once the channel has been created, adding messages to it via triggers is extremely simple.  I personally like to add a channel for the say messages, one for tell (page), and one for other channels present on the game.  This is usually much easier to refer to afterwards, although channels can be used for a lot of things.

I plan to redo the channel interface to allow adding new channels.  So far, what you can do (I recommend saving the file beforehand) is the manual manipulation to add channels: in the CocoMUD folder, open the "worlds" folder, then the world name in which you wish to add these channels.  You will see a "config.set" file.  It holds all the configuration for this world (well, all your macros/aliases/channels/triggers).  You can open it as a plain text file, with notepad if you don't have a better choice. Just remember encoding and that it might not like special characters very much.  You can go to the end of the file and add a line like this:

#channel channelname

This will create the "channelname" channel when you next open the world.  You can then associate a trigger to the channel (the topic is covered in the trigger documentation).  You can add multiple channels, of course, just make sure the #channel instruction is on one line.

#channel say

#channel tell

If your channel name contains spaces, you have to surround it by braces.  I don't recommend it, but i's doable:

#channel {channel name with spaces}

When you then create a trigger to capture the output on this channel, you will have to specify the channel name.  Also, you can create a macro to open this channel (that's what I usually do). So it's a bit of steps, right now, but hopefully this will get easier.

In summary:

1. You want to capture the "say" output (either what you say or what others say).

2. You create the channel (I name it say, but you can name it any way you like).

3. Create one or multiple triggers to capture the output, when you're talked to (using say) and when you talk using this command.  Both strategies are explained (and detailed) in the documentation.  I prefer creating two different triggers, just because it makes for more comfortable output, but that's really up to you.

4. Associate a macro with opening this channel.  Like, associate CTRL + S with opening the say channel.  This will open a dialog as a list and you can browse through the list of messages you have received.  This dialog is the same for all channels, you can actually tabulate through your list of active channels.

In the future, I would like to be able to write messages in this dialog too.  Like you open the list of said messages, but you also can write text and if you press enter, the say command is automatically sent.  This is not possible for the time being.

I hope these explanations help you,


On 11/5/2017 9:01 AM, cocomud@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Good morning!

Can you give me a little intoduction in creating and controling a channel for example for chat-communications?

I think there is no help in the manual yet.

Oooooor i am too stupid to find it!

Have a nice sunday!


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