[cocomud] CocoMUD freezing

  • From: Vincent LE GOFF <vincent.legoff.srs@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: cocomud@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2017 09:51:11 +0100

Hi all,

For the record and also because it will be easier to talk here, there's a little reminder on the current issue of freezing.  If you have new information, please don't hesitate to share (just reply to this email to do so).

CocoMUD sometimes freezes the output window.  It means that you can receive new text, but cannot read it using the arrow keys. The output window just stops (seemingly) at one point and is not updated.  This happens on different screen readers.  The output window is correctly updated and the text can still be read using other navigation keys.  The fix for this bug was to add a checkbox in the preferences, accessibility tab, to activate screen reader support.  If this box were checked, the window wouldn't be held and released afterward.  This gave an impression of "bleeding" and "blinking" to sighted users who saw changes in the screen, but for screen readers, it avoided freezing.

However, this does not seem to fix the issue.  It did it for me but it seems the bug still exist.  I do not yet know what causes it to happen.  It doesn't seem to occur on every game and, of course, missing a process that will always cause the crash, it's very hard to debug.

So if you have additional information, please don't hesitate to share.  I hope to be able to fix that, as it is a clear impairment on the client's usability with a screen reader, which is like the first priority of the project in the first place!

Have a good Sunday,


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