<CT> Once again... Programlauncher which works from CD-Rom

  • From: Michelle Konzack <wfw.mailinglists@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: calmira_tips <calmira_tips@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 06 May 2001 14:12:45 +0200


to make a CD-Rom with autostart under Windows is no problem 

But I need a configurabel Programlauncher which does not 
require the VB-Runtime-Lib, must resist in the CD-Rom-Root 
with its Config-File. 

There was a Progarm on SimTel, but it is removed now.

Can anyone help me ?

I need it urgently for my Setup-CD-Rom (WfW, Winword, Access, 
Excel, PPT, Acrobat, Netscape, Eudora...) 

Oh yes, who has written the autorun.exe ???
Brian ??? Maxim ???
It works very well.

Question:       Why not program a stay-by program which whatch 
                the CD-Rom for Audio-CD and Data-CD ???

Curently I cant do anything (programming in BCC, Delphi and VB4) 
because I have lost my Conner CFS850A for some month and now I 
have not enought money to buy a new one... :-/


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  • » <CT> Once again... Programlauncher which works from CD-Rom