[cad-linux] Re: new(ish) BRL-CAD interface

  • From: Christopher Sean Morrison <morrison@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: cad-linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2006 17:39:34 -0500

If by 'this' you mean BRL-CAD in general, then yes.. the history of the 
project and extent of the capabilities runs rather deep with a lot of 
project contributors over the years.  However, I believe what brlcad.com 
has is a screenshot of Archer and if that is what you're referring to, 
then no there has not really been many people working with Archer -- at 
least not yet.

There hasn't been much activity or community involvement with Archer nor 
major developement activity since it's inclusion in part because it's not 
been pressed/announced to the commmunity as much as it should be, and in 
part because it still requires additional development before it'll be 
ready for production modeling use.  That really is a shame as it is a nice 
interface and answers a lot of the complaints some users have over MGED's 
GUI, BRL-CAD's older solid modeling interface.  It wraps much of the same 
core BRL-CAD library functionality as MGED, but with an improved 

Archer was developed as part of a larger SBIR-funded project at SURVICE 
Engineering to make a more immediately familiar/intuitive solid modeling 
interface over BRL-CAD's MGED solid modeler while still leveraging the 
existing geometry kernel in BRL-CAD. SURVICE donated the code with no 
expectations to the BRL-CAD project as open source with the hope of it 
being a good start for the community to get involved with and improve 

If anyone is interested in picking up and/or contributing to the 
development of Archer, they are more than welcome to do so.  It's a better 
interface with a lot of potential.  Similarly, there is additional work 
going on with the BRL-CAD core libraries and API facilities for more 
robust geoemtry support services that would benefit from involvement if 
any developers are interested.


BRL-CAD Open Source

On Fri, 1 Dec 2006, Marc Britten wrote:

> Has anyone worked with this much?  Looks pretty impressive in the one
> screenshot if found on http://brlcad.com

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