[cad-linux] Commercial CAD/CAM for Linux - Weber Systems?

  • From: "Vishal A. Belsare" <bvishal@xxxxxxx>
  • To: "cad-linux" <cad-linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2003 09:22:41 +0530

Read on, though the website of that particular company does not have any
mention of Linux, newsforge would not give out a ill-informed article.



Commercial CAD/CAM for Linux?

Wednesday May 28, 2003 - [ 01:05 PM GMT ]
Topic - GNU/Linux

- by Carl Brown -

I recently returned from my annual pilgramage to the Eastec 'Advanced
Productivity Exposition' trade show in Springfield MA, billed as 'The East
Coast's Largest Annual Manufacturing Event.' Every year since 1999, I have
made the rounds there, asking all the CAD/CAM vendors at the show the same
simple question: "Do you have any plans for a Linux version?" The answer has
always been an unequivocal "No." The excuses varied, but not the policies.


This year, however, marked an important first. One CAD/CAM software
representative did not say "No." He said, "If I asked the developers how
long it would take to have a Linux version ready, they would say two
months." It seems that these developers have been doing all their work under
Linux for some time, and the Windows version is essentially a port. The only
thing they are waiting for is demand. He told me that I wasn't the only
person who had asked him about a  Linux version at the show. If you've been
waiting for a commercial 3D CAD/CAM package to become available for Linux,
don't miss this opportunity to help prod Weber Systems [
http://www.webersys.com/ ] into being the first to market. They are a
relatively small company, so it wouldn't take many potential sales to get
them going in the right direction fast.

Other related posts:

  • » [cad-linux] Commercial CAD/CAM for Linux - Weber Systems?