[bristol-birds] possible virus

  • From: "larry mcdaniel" <mcdaniel_1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Brad Jones" <cbjwdp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,"Bristol Birds" <bristol-birds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,"Bryan Stevens" <Kat92047@xxxxxxx>,"butternuts group" <butternuts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,"Carl & Sue Mobley" <sxw.01@xxxxxxxxxxx>,"cody" <fight_cody@xxxxxxxxx>,<confirm-invite-FdWrbsYkIsJW3MA5vVoitj1cBkE-lcmcd=preferred.com@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,"Discussion list for Tennessee Birding" <TN-BIRD@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,"Don Holt" <dnldhlt@aol, com.freelists.org>,"Gary & Jan McDaniel" <janmac870@xxxxxx>,"Gary & Nancy Barrigar" <barrigar@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <Genoog@xxxxxxx>,"Greg McConnell" <gjmcconn@xxxxxxx>,"James R. Willis" <jrwillis@xxxxxx>,"Janet D Brown" <jbeye@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,"Jean Alexander & David Johnson" <jjadmj@xxxxxxxx>,"Jennifer" <highlandlady@xxxxxxxx>,"Jennifer Bauer" <Jennifer.Bauer@xxxxxxxxxxx>,"Jerry Greer" <jerrygreer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,"Larry Lynch" <birder6@xxxxxxxx>,"Margie Wilkinson" <wcwilkin@xxxxxxx>,"Martin, Janice F" <Janice_F_Martin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>,"Mary J. Erwin" <maryerwin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <Mmcls10@xxxxxxx>,"My Self" <lcmcd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <OLCOOT1@xxxxxxx>,"Rack Cross" <frogfarm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <Rewhittemo@xxxxxxx>,"Rick Knight" <RKnight@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,"Rob Biller" <rbiller@xxxxxxx>,"Ron Harrington" <RonEHarrin@xxxxxxx>, <RubyThroat@xxxxxxx>,"Thomas Horsch" <thorsch@xxxxxxxx>,"Tom and Amanda McMullen" <mcmullen@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 07:06:51 -0500

I received the following message from Jack Litz. I took his advice.

Larry McDaniel

Dear E-mail Address Book Entry - 

I received message copied below in my e-mail today. I searched the C-Drive 
using the Windows search utility on the "Start" menu, found the damned file 
just as described, and deleted it as recommended. The search did not take long 
on my computer. 

Bristol Bird List was in my e-mail address book and likely received the virus 
file. If I am in yours, it seems possible that you might send the virus file 
back to me. I plan to search my C-Drive once or twice a day for awhile and do 
not plan to notify everyone if the virus comes back. You might adopt a similar 
strategy. I also plan to prune my address book more frequently to minimize the 
impact of such viruses. 

Good luck! 

Jack Litz


Possible virus - SORRY! 

I received an email this morning from another chapter that their computer's 
address book had been affected with a virus, and as a result, so was mine and 
yours because your address was in my book. The virus file is called 
jdbgmgr.exe. It cannot be detected by Norton or McAfee anti-virus programs. It 
sits quietly for 14 days before damaging the system. It is sent automatically 
by messenger and by the address book, whether or not you send e-mails. 

To get rid of it: 

1. Go to start, click Find or Search. 

2. In Files/Folders, write the name jdbgmgr.exe 

3. Search in your "C" drive 

4. Click Find or Search 

5. The virus has a teddy bear logo with the name jdbgmgr.exe - DO NOT OPEN! 

6. Right click on it & delete it. DO NOT OPEN THIS FILE!!!

7. Go to the recycle bin & delete it there also. 



This is a regional birding list sponsored by the
Bristol Bird Club to facilitate communications 
between birders and bird clubs of Southwest Virginia
and Northeast Tennessee.  It serves the Russell County
Bird Club, Herndon Chapter TOS, Greeneville TOS 
Chapter, Blue Ridge Birders Club, Butternut Nature
Club, Buchanan County Bird Club, Bristol Bird Club,
Clinch Valley Bird Club and Cumberland Nature Club.
You are subscribed to Bristol-Birds.
To post to this mailing list, simply send an email
to: bristol-birds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe, send
an email to bristol-birds-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxx with
the one word 'unsubscribe' in the Subject field.
       Wallace Coffey, Moderator


This is a regional birding list sponsored by the
Bristol Bird Club to facilitate communications 
between birders and bird clubs of Southwest Virginia
and Northeast Tennessee.  It serves the Russell County
Bird Club, Herndon Chapter TOS, Greeneville TOS 
Chapter, Blue Ridge Birders Club, Butternut Nature
Club, Buchanan County Bird Club, Bristol Bird Club,
Clinch Valley Bird Club and Cumberland Nature Club.
You are subscribed to Bristol-Birds.
To post to this mailing list, simply send an email
to: bristol-birds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe, send
an email to bristol-birds-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxx with
the one word 'unsubscribe' in the Subject field.
       Wallace Coffey, Moderator

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  • » [bristol-birds] possible virus