[Bristol-Birds] Compilation of Birds during the Roan Mountain Naturalist Rally - May 8-9

  • From: Robert Biller <earedgrebe@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Bristol-birds <bristol-birds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, tn-bird <tn-bird@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 12 May 2010 00:17:24 -0400

The bird enthusiasts at the Roan Mountain Naturalist Rally managed to find
and identify 92 species of birds between the three birded areas at the
Rally. The low elevation birding was done at Sycamore Shoals State Park in
Elizabethton, TN, The high elevation birding was done in Hampton Creek Cove
Nature Area around 3100ft elevation and the usual stops up Hwy 143 to the
top of Roan Mountain. The elevation at Carver's Gap is 5500ft+. All
locations are in Carter County, TN. The complete list and a brief legend is
below. This list is not concerned with numbers of birds (unless noted),
rather the presence of the bird on mountain (and/or in the park). It was a
good two days of birding!

SS   - Sycamore Shoals State Park (Elizabethton)
HCC - Hampton Creek Cove Natural Area (Roan Mountain area)
RM   - Roan Mountain - Hwy 143
RMC - Roan Mountain State Park Campground

1.  Canada Goose - SS
2.  Mallard - SS
3.  Wild Turkey - Mike Sanders, Michelle Sparks - HCC
4.  Great Blue Heron - SS
5.  Yellow-crowned Night Herons - SS
6.  Black Vulture - Hwy 19E
7.  Turkey Vulture - SS, HCC, RM
8.  Red-shouldered Hawk 2 HCC (Sat), 1 HCC (Sun)
9.  Red-tailed Hawk - RM
10. Killdeer - SS
11. Rock Pigeon - SS
12. Mourning Dove - SS, HCC, RM
13. Common Nighthawk - (Sycamore Shoals Hospital before dawn)
14. Barred Owl - RM (diurnal at second Canada Warbler pull off area going up
15. Chimney Swift - SS, HCC
16. Ruby-throated Hummingbird - SS, RM
17. Belted Kingfisher - SS
18. Red-bellied Woodpecker - SS
(at second Canada Warbler pull off area going up mountain N 36-06'-56.7", W
82-04'-55.7" Elev ~4733 - James Neves, Rob BIller, et al.)
20. Downy Woodpecker - SS, RM
21. Hairy Woodpecker - HCC
22. Northern Flicker - SS
23. Pileated Woodpecker - HCC
24. Eastern Wood-Pewee - RM
25. Acadian Flycatcher - RM
26. Alder Flycatcher - HCC (Sat)
27. Willow Flycatcher - HCC (Sat)
28. Least Flycatcher - HCC, RM
29. Eastern Phoebe - SS, RM, HCC
30. Great-crested Flycatcher - HCC
31. Eastern Kingbird - SS
32. White-eyed Vireo - SS, HCC
33. Blue-headed Vireo - HC, RM
34. Warbling Vireo - SS
35. Red-eyed VIreo - SS, HC, RM, RMC
36. Blue Jay - HCC
37. American Crow - SS, HCC, RM
38. Common Raven - RM (Carver's Gap)
39. Tree Swallow - SS, HCC
40. Northern Roughed-winged Swallow - RM
41. Barn Swallow - SS, HCC
42. Carolina Chickadee - SS, RM
43. Tufted Titmouse - SS, HCC, RM
44. White-breasted Nuthatch - RM
45. Brown Creeper - 2 (singing at Carver's Gap - visual on 1)
46. Carolina Wren - SS
47. House Wren - SS, HCC
48. Winter Wren - RM (Carver's Gap area)
49. Golden-crowned Kinglet - RM (Carver's Gap area)
50. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - SS, HCC
51. Eastern Bluebird - SS, HCC, RM
52. Veery - RM (Twin Springs area / Carver's Gap Area)
53. Wood Thrush - RMC
54. American Robin - SS, HCC, RM
55. Gray Catbird - SS, HCC, RM
56. Northern Mockingbird  - (en route from SS to RM)
57. Brown Thrasher - HCC, RM
58. European Starling  - SS, HCC
59. Cedar Waxwing - SS
60. Blue-winged Warbler 1 - HCC
61. Golden-winged Warbler - HCC, RM (Golden-winged Warbler Curve)
62. Northern Parula - RM (Visitor Center), RMC
63. Yellow Warbler - HCC, RM
64. Chestnut-sided Warbler - HCC, RM
65. Black-throated Blue Warbler - RMC
66. Black-throated Green Warbler - RM
67. Blackpoll Warbler - HCC (Mike Sanders)
68. Black-and-White Warbler - RMC
69. American Redstart - HCC,, RM
70. Ovenbird - RM
71. Common Yellowthroat - HCC, RM
72. Hooded Warbler - HCC, RM
73. Canada Warbler - RM (Canada Warbler Pulloffs, Carver's Gap)
74. Yellow-breasted Chat - HCC
75. Scarlet Tanager - HCC, RM
76. Eastern Towhee - HCC, RM
77. Chipping Sparrow - HCC
78. Field Sparrow - HCC
79. Song Sparrow - HCC, RM
80. White-throated Sparrow - SS (still singing in the AM on Sat)
81. Dark-eyed Junco - RM
82. Northern Cardinal - HCC, RM
83. Rose-breasted Grosbeak - HCC, RM
84. Indigo Bunting - HCC, RM
85. Red-winged Blackbird - HCC, RM
86. Eastern Meadowlark - SS
87. Common Grackle - SS, HCC, RM
88. Brown-headed Cowbird - SS, HCC, RM
89. House Finch - SS
90. Red Crossbill - 1 RM (Carver's Gap - from NC to TN)
91. Pine SIskin - RM (Carver's Gap area)
92. American Goldfinch - SS, HCC

Rob Biller
unofficial compiler
Elizabethton, TN

Other related posts:

  • » [Bristol-Birds] Compilation of Birds during the Roan Mountain Naturalist Rally - May 8-9 - Robert Biller