[BNU] my thoughts on ks 9.4.1

  • From: Mohamed <malhajamy@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: BrailleNote List <braillenote@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 17 May 2014 20:48:41 -0400

Hi all, well, here are my thoughts on 9.4.1. In my opinion, the version is actually a very good upgrade. Apart from the new keymaps, and the VNC visual display, I noticed other bug fixes. I noticed that now, the very serious nemeth bug of the unit freezing if you inserted the result has been fixed. Although, I did notice that it now switches to computer braille if you insert the result, that's probably to prevent the unicode characters from being inserted and causing problems. Also, the bug that was mensioned earlier, 0 divided by 0 crashing the unit, that's been fixed. Strange, because I thought they would save that for a later version. Also, in 9.4.0, if you let a download fully finish in the background, every time you switched applications, like, say, from keyweb to keymail and back again, it would keep refreshing the page when you got back into keyweb, and it would keep doing that same thing until you reset. This issue has been corrected. Also, in 9.4, if you loaded an audio link, it would not fully refresh the page after it was done loading. This was corrected as well.

Information has been changed, like the copyright has been changed from 2013 to 2014. Also, maybe this is just my unit, but did anyone notice the hardware revision information item? It went down to 1.4. Probably because of the new VNC display feature. Overall, I think it is worth it to get 9.4.1. So, those are my thoughts on 9.4.1.
Sorry if this was already discussed on the list, I didn't sort through the archive.
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  • » [BNU] my thoughts on ks 9.4.1 - Mohamed