[brailleblaster] push by mwhapples - Removed dead code block as it has not been in use for a long time, if ... on 2014-12-09 15:21 GMT

  • From: brailleblaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: brailleblaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 15:21:48 +0000

Revision: c7d3785a717e
Branch:   default
Author:   mwhapples@xxxxxxxxx
Date:     Tue Dec  9 15:21:10 2014 UTC
Log: Removed dead code block as it has not been in use for a long time, if really needed can be restored from the repository.


--- /src/main/org/brailleblaster/search/SearchDialog.java Wed Apr 16 22:06:34 2014 UTC +++ /src/main/org/brailleblaster/search/SearchDialog.java Tue Dec 9 15:21:10 2014 UTC
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
 import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener;
 import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;

 public class SearchDialog extends Dialog {

        private final int MAX_SRCH_CHARS = 10000;
@@ -29,31 +28,33 @@
        Combo replaceCombo = null;
        private int startCharIndex = 0;
        private int endCharIndex = 0;
        private final int SCH_FORWARD = 0;
        private final int SCH_BACKWARD = 1;
        private int searchDirection = SCH_FORWARD;
        private final int SCH_SCOPE_ALL = 0;
        private final int SCH_SELECT_LINES = 1;
        private int searchScope = SCH_SCOPE_ALL;
        private final int SCH_CASE_ON = 0;
        private final int SCH_CASE_OFF = 1;
        private int searchCaseSensitive = SCH_CASE_OFF;
        private final int SCH_WRAP_ON = 0;
        private final int SCH_WRAP_OFF = 1;
        private int searchWrap = SCH_WRAP_OFF;
        private final int SCH_WHOLE_ON = 0;
        private final int SCH_WHOLE_OFF = 1;
        private int searchWholeWord = SCH_WHOLE_OFF;
- // private final FormToolkit // formToolkit = new FormToolkit(Display.getDefault());
+       // private final FormToolkit // formToolkit = new
+       // FormToolkit(Display.getDefault());

         * Create the dialog.
+        *
         * @param parent
         * @param style
@@ -65,28 +66,31 @@

         * Open the dialog.
+        *
         * @return the result
        public Object open() {
                display = getParent().getDisplay();
                display.addFilter(SWT.KeyDown, new Listener() {
                        public void handleEvent(Event e) {
                                // If user presses F3 key, do find/replace.
-                               if(e.keyCode == SWT.F3) {
-                                       if( findStr() == true && 
replaceCombo.getText().length() > 0 )
- man.getText().copyAndPaste( replaceCombo.getText(), startCharIndex, endCharIndex );
+                               if (e.keyCode == SWT.F3) {
+                                       if (findStr() == true
+                                                       && 
replaceCombo.getText().length() > 0)
+                                                               startCharIndex, 
                                } // if(e.keyCode == SWT.F3)
                        } // handleEvent()
-        }); // addFilter()
+               }); // addFilter()
                while (!shlFindreplace.isDisposed()) {
                        if (!display.readAndDispatch()) {
@@ -106,34 +110,34 @@
                gl_shlFindreplace.marginTop = 10;
                gl_shlFindreplace.marginLeft = 5;
                Label lblFind = new Label(shlFindreplace, SWT.NONE);
                Label label = new Label(shlFindreplace, SWT.NONE);
                // formToolkit.adapt(label, true, true);
                searchCombo = new Combo(shlFindreplace, SWT.NONE);
- searchCombo.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, false, false, 3, 1));
+               searchCombo.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, 
+                               false, 3, 1));
                Label lblReplaceWith = new Label(shlFindreplace, SWT.NONE);
- lblReplaceWith.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.LEFT, SWT.CENTER, false, false, 2, 1));
+               lblReplaceWith.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.LEFT, SWT.CENTER, 
+                               false, 2, 1));
                lblReplaceWith.setText("Replace with:");
                replaceCombo = new Combo(shlFindreplace, SWT.NONE);
- replaceCombo.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, false, false, 3, 1));
+               replaceCombo.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, 
+                               false, 3, 1));
                Group grpDirection = new Group(shlFindreplace, SWT.NONE);
- grpDirection.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.LEFT, SWT.CENTER, false, false, 3, 1));
+               grpDirection.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.LEFT, SWT.CENTER, 
+                               false, 3, 1));
// grpDirection.setBackground(SWTResourceManager.getColor(SWT.COLOR_WHITE));
                // formToolkit.adapt(grpDirection);
                // formToolkit.paintBordersFor(grpDirection);
                Button forwardRadioBtn = new Button(grpDirection, SWT.RADIO);
                forwardRadioBtn.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
@@ -145,8 +149,7 @@
                forwardRadioBtn.setBounds(10, 21, 90, 16);
                // formToolkit.adapt(btnRadioButton, true, true);
                Button backwardRadioBtn = new Button(grpDirection, SWT.RADIO);
                backwardRadioBtn.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
@@ -157,15 +160,14 @@
                backwardRadioBtn.setBounds(10, 43, 90, 16);
                // formToolkit.adapt(btnRadioButton_1, true, true);
                Group grpScope = new Group(shlFindreplace, SWT.NONE);
- grpScope.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.LEFT, SWT.CENTER, false, false, 2, 1));
+               grpScope.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.LEFT, SWT.CENTER, 
false, false,
+                               2, 1));
                // formToolkit.adapt(grpScope);
                // formToolkit.paintBordersFor(grpScope);
                Button allRadioBtn = new Button(grpScope, SWT.RADIO);
                allRadioBtn.setBounds(10, 20, 90, 16);
@@ -178,8 +180,7 @@
                Button selectedLinesBtn = new Button(grpScope, SWT.RADIO);
                selectedLinesBtn.setBounds(10, 43, 90, 16);
                // formToolkit.adapt(btnSelectedLines, true, true);
@@ -191,14 +192,14 @@
                Group grpOptions = new Group(shlFindreplace, SWT.NONE);
- grpOptions.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, false, false, 5, 1));
+               grpOptions.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, 
+                               false, 5, 1));
                // formToolkit.adapt(grpOptions);
                // formToolkit.paintBordersFor(grpOptions);
                Button caseSensitiveCheck = new Button(grpOptions, SWT.CHECK);
                caseSensitiveCheck.setBounds(10, 21, 91, 16);
                // formToolkit.adapt(btnCaseSensitive, true, true);
@@ -207,14 +208,14 @@
                caseSensitiveCheck.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
                        public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
-//                             searchCaseSensitive
-                               if( searchCaseSensitive == SCH_CASE_OFF )
+                               // searchCaseSensitive
+                               if (searchCaseSensitive == SCH_CASE_OFF)
                                        searchCaseSensitive = SCH_CASE_ON;
                                        searchCaseSensitive = SCH_CASE_OFF;
                Button wholeWordCheck = new Button(grpOptions, SWT.CHECK);
                wholeWordCheck.setBounds(10, 43, 91, 16);
                // formToolkit.adapt(btnWholeWord, true, true);
@@ -223,20 +224,19 @@
                wholeWordCheck.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
                        public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
-                               if( searchWholeWord == SCH_WHOLE_OFF )
+                               if (searchWholeWord == SCH_WHOLE_OFF)
                                        searchWholeWord = SCH_WHOLE_ON;
                                        searchWholeWord = SCH_WHOLE_OFF;
                Button regExpressionsCheck = new Button(grpOptions, SWT.CHECK);
                regExpressionsCheck.setBounds(10, 65, 124, 16);
                // formToolkit.adapt(btnRegularExpressions, true, true);
                regExpressionsCheck.setText("Regular expressions");
                Button wrapSearchCheck = new Button(grpOptions, SWT.CHECK);
                wrapSearchCheck.setBounds(107, 21, 91, 16);
                // formToolkit.adapt(btnWrapSearch, true, true);
@@ -245,181 +245,94 @@
                wrapSearchCheck.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
                        public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
-                               if( searchWrap == SCH_WRAP_OFF )
+                               if (searchWrap == SCH_WRAP_OFF)
                                        searchWrap = SCH_WRAP_ON;
                                        searchWrap = SCH_WRAP_OFF;
                Button incrementalCheck = new Button(grpOptions, SWT.CHECK);
                incrementalCheck.setBounds(107, 43, 91, 16);
                // formToolkit.adapt(btnIncremental, true, true);
                Label label_1 = new Label(shlFindreplace, SWT.NONE);
                // formToolkit.adapt(label_1, true, true);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                // Define our find button.
                Button findBtn = new Button(shlFindreplace, SWT.NONE);
- findBtn.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false, 3, 1));
+               findBtn.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, 
+                               3, 1));
                // formToolkit.adapt(btnFind, true, true);
                findBtn.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
                        public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
                                // Find string in combo box.
                        } // widgetSelected()
                }); // btnFind.addSelectionListener()
                Button replaceFindBtn = new Button(shlFindreplace, SWT.NONE);
- replaceFindBtn.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false, 1, 1));
+               replaceFindBtn.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, 
+                               false, 1, 1));
                // formToolkit.adapt(btnReplacefind, true, true);
                Label label_2 = new Label(shlFindreplace, SWT.NONE);
                // formToolkit.adapt(label_2, true, true);
                Button replaceBtn = new Button(shlFindreplace, SWT.NONE);
- replaceBtn.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, false, false, 3, 1));
+               replaceBtn.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, 
+                               false, 3, 1));
                // formToolkit.adapt(btnReplace, true, true);
                replaceBtn.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
                        public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
                                // Find string in our "Find" combo box.
-                               // If we find one, replace it with what's in the
+                               // If we find one, replace it with what's in the
                                // "Replace" box.
-                               if( findStr() == true)
- man.getText().copyAndPaste( replaceCombo.getText(), startCharIndex, endCharIndex );
+                               if (findStr() == true)
+                                                       startCharIndex, 
                        } // widgetSelected()
                }); // replaceBtn.addSelectionListener()
                Button replaceAllBtn = new Button(shlFindreplace, SWT.NONE);
- replaceAllBtn.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, false, false, 1, 1));
+               replaceAllBtn.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, 
+                               false, 1, 1));
                // formToolkit.adapt(btnReplaceAll, true, true);
                replaceAllBtn.setText("Replace All");
                replaceAllBtn.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
                        public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
                                // Replace every instance of word.
                                int oldTopIndex = 
-                               int oldCursorPos = 
+                               int oldCursorPos = 
                                man.getText().setCursor(0, man);
-                               while( findStr() == true )
- man.getText().copyAndPaste( replaceCombo.getText(), startCharIndex, endCharIndex );
-                               man.getTextView().setTopIndex( oldTopIndex );
+                               while (findStr() == true)
+                                                       startCharIndex, 
+                               man.getTextView().setTopIndex(oldTopIndex);
-                               if( 0 == 1 ) {
-                               // Grab text view.
-                               TextView tv = man.getText();
-                               // Are there any characters in the text view? 
If there
-                               // are no characters, we probably don't have a 
-                               // loaded yet.
-                               if(tv.view.getCharCount() == 0)
-                                       return;
-                               // Grab search string.
-                               String findMeStr = searchCombo.getText();
-                               // Get number of characters in text view.
-                               int numChars = tv.view.getText().length();
-                               // If the search string is larger than the 
total number of
-                               // characters in the view, don't bother.
-                               if(findMeStr.length() > numChars)
-                                       return;
-                               // Get current cursor position.
-                               startCharIndex = tv.view.getCaretOffset();
-                               endCharIndex = startCharIndex + 
-                               // Scour the view for the search string.
-                               while( startCharIndex < numChars && endCharIndex 
< numChars )
-                               {
-                                       // Get current snippet of text we're 
- String curViewSnippet = tv.view.getText().substring(startCharIndex, endCharIndex);
-                                       // Should we be checking case sensitive 
-                                       if( searchCaseSensitive == SCH_CASE_OFF 
) {
-                                               curViewSnippet = 
-                                               findMeStr = 
-                                       }
-                                       // Compare the two strings. Is there a 
-                                       if( curViewSnippet.matches(findMeStr) 
== true)
-                                       {
-                                               // Whole word?
-                                               boolean haveAmatch = true;
-                                               if( searchWholeWord == 
-                                               {
-//                                                     "^[\pL\pN]*$";
-                                                       if( startCharIndex - 1 
>= 0)
- if( tv.view.getText().substring(startCharIndex - 1, startCharIndex).matches("^[\\pL\\pN]*$") == true)
haveAmatch = false;
-                                                       if( endCharIndex + 1 < 
numChars )
- if( tv.view.getText().substring(endCharIndex, endCharIndex + 1).matches("^[\\pL\\pN]*$") == true)
haveAmatch = false;
-                                               } // if( searchWholeWord...
-                                               // Update view if we have a 
-                                               if(haveAmatch == true)
-                                               {
-                                                       // Set cursor and view 
to point to search string we found.
- man.getText().copyAndPaste( replaceCombo.getText(), startCharIndex, endCharIndex );
-                                                       startCharIndex += 
-                                                       endCharIndex = 
startCharIndex + findMeStr.length();
-                                               } // if( haveAmatch = true)
-                                       } // if( curViewSnippet...
-                                       // Move forward a character.
-                                       startCharIndex++;
-                                       endCharIndex++;
-                                       // If search wrap is on, move to other 
end of document, if at
-                                       // the end.
-                                       if( searchWrap == SCH_WRAP_ON )
-                                       {
-                                               // If we're at the end, move to 
the other end.
-                                               if( startCharIndex >= numChars || 
endCharIndex >= numChars )
-                                               {
-                                                       // Reset position.
-                                                       startCharIndex = 0;
-                                                       endCharIndex = 
startCharIndex + findMeStr.length();
-                                               } // if( startCharIndex...
-                                       } // if( searchWrap == SCH_WRAP_ON )
-                               } // while( startCharIndex...
-                               } //if( 0 == 1 ) {
                        } // widgetSelected()
                }); // replaceBtn.addSelectionListener()
                Label label_3 = new Label(shlFindreplace, SWT.NONE);
                // formToolkit.adapt(label_3, true, true);
                Label label_4 = new Label(shlFindreplace, SWT.NONE);
@@ -428,215 +341,219 @@
                // formToolkit.adapt(label_5, true, true);
                Label label_6 = new Label(shlFindreplace, SWT.NONE);
                // formToolkit.adapt(label_6, true, true);
                Button closeBtn = new Button(shlFindreplace, SWT.NONE);
- closeBtn.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, false, false, 1, 1));
+               closeBtn.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, false, 
+                               1, 1));
                // formToolkit.adapt(btnClose, true, true);
                closeBtn.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
                        public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
                        } // widgetSelected()
                }); // closeBtn.addSelectionListener...
        } // createContents()
-       ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+       // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        // Searches document for string in our combo box.
        // Returns true if one was found.
-       public boolean findStr()
-       {
+       public boolean findStr() {
                // Grab text view.
                TextView tv = man.getText();
-               // Are there any characters in the text view? If there
-               // are no characters, we probably don't have a document
+               // Are there any characters in the text view? If there
+               // are no characters, we probably don't have a document
                // loaded yet.
-               if(tv.view.getCharCount() == 0)
+               if (tv.view.getCharCount() == 0)
                        return false;
                // Grab search string.
                String findMeStr = searchCombo.getText();
                // Get number of characters in text view.
                int numChars = tv.view.getText().length();
-               // If the search string is larger than the total number of
+               // If the search string is larger than the total number of
                // characters in the view, don't bother.
-               if(findMeStr.length() > numChars)
+               if (findMeStr.length() > numChars)
                        return false;
-               //////////////////
+               // ////////////////
                // Search forward.
-                       // Go forth!
-                       if(searchDirection == SCH_FORWARD)
-                       {
-                               // Get current cursor position.
-                               startCharIndex = tv.view.getCaretOffset();
-                               endCharIndex = startCharIndex + 
-                               // Scour the view for the search string.
-                               while( startCharIndex < numChars && endCharIndex 
< numChars )
-                               {
-                                       // Get current snippet of text we're 
- String curViewSnippet = tv.view.getText().substring(startCharIndex, endCharIndex);
-                                       // Should we be checking case sensitive 
-                                       if( searchCaseSensitive == SCH_CASE_OFF 
) {
-                                               curViewSnippet = 
-                                               findMeStr = 
-                                       }
-                                       // Compare the two strings. Is there a 
-                                       if( curViewSnippet.matches(findMeStr) 
== true)
-                                       {
-                                               // Whole word?
-                                               boolean haveAmatch = true;
-                                               if( searchWholeWord == 
-                                               {
-//                                                     "^[\pL\pN]*$";
-                                                       if( startCharIndex - 1 
>= 0)
- if( tv.view.getText().substring(startCharIndex - 1, startCharIndex).matches("^[\\pL\\pN]*$") == true)
haveAmatch = false;
-                                                       if( endCharIndex + 1 < 
numChars )
- if( tv.view.getText().substring(endCharIndex, endCharIndex + 1).matches("^[\\pL\\pN]*$") == true)
haveAmatch = false;
-                                               } // if( searchWholeWord...
-                                               // Update view if we have a 
-                                               if( haveAmatch == true)
-                                               {
-                                                       // Set cursor and view 
to point to search string we found.
-                                                       tv.view.setSelection( 
startCharIndex, endCharIndex );
-                                                       tv.view.setTopIndex( 
tv.view.getLineAtOffset(startCharIndex) );
-                                                       // Found it; break.
-                                                       return true;
-                                               } // if( haveAmatch = true)
-                                       } // if( curViewSnippet...
-                                       // Move forward a character.
-                                       startCharIndex++;
-                                       endCharIndex++;
-                                       // If search wrap is on, move to other 
end of document, if at
-                                       // the end.
-                                       if( searchWrap == SCH_WRAP_ON )
-                                       {
-                                               // If we're at the end, move to 
the other end.
-                                               if( startCharIndex >= numChars || 
endCharIndex >= numChars )
-                                               {
-                                                       // Reset position.
-                                                       startCharIndex = 0;
-                                                       endCharIndex = 
startCharIndex + findMeStr.length();
-                                                       tv.setCursor( 
startCharIndex, man );
-                                               } // if( startCharIndex...
-                                       } // if( searchWrap == SCH_WRAP_ON )
-                               } // while( startCharIndex...
-                       } // if(searchDirection == SCH_FORWARD)
+               // Go forth!
+               if (searchDirection == SCH_FORWARD) {
+                       // Get current cursor position.
+                       startCharIndex = tv.view.getCaretOffset();
+                       endCharIndex = startCharIndex + findMeStr.length();
+                       // Scour the view for the search string.
+                       while (startCharIndex < numChars && endCharIndex < 
numChars) {
+                               // Get current snippet of text we're testing.
+                               String curViewSnippet = 
+                                               startCharIndex, endCharIndex);
+                               // Should we be checking case sensitive version?
+                               if (searchCaseSensitive == SCH_CASE_OFF) {
+                                       curViewSnippet = 
+                                       findMeStr = findMeStr.toLowerCase();
+                               }
+                               // Compare the two strings. Is there a match?
+                               if (curViewSnippet.matches(findMeStr) == true) {
+                                       // Whole word?
+                                       boolean haveAmatch = true;
+                                       if (searchWholeWord == SCH_WHOLE_ON) {
+                                               // "^[\pL\pN]*$";
+                                               if (startCharIndex - 1 >= 0)
+                                                       if (tv.view
.substring(startCharIndex - 1,
.matches("^[\\pL\\pN]*$") == true)
+                                                               haveAmatch = 
+                                               if (endCharIndex + 1 < numChars)
+                                                       if (tv.view.getText()
.substring(endCharIndex, endCharIndex + 1)
.matches("^[\\pL\\pN]*$") == true)
+                                                               haveAmatch = 
+                                       } // if( searchWholeWord...
+                                       // Update view if we have a match.
+                                       if (haveAmatch == true) {
+                                               // Set cursor and view to point 
to search string we
+                                               // found.
tv.view.setSelection(startCharIndex, endCharIndex);
+                                               tv.view.setTopIndex(tv.view
+                                               // Found it; break.
+                                               return true;
+                                       } // if( haveAmatch = true)
+                               } // if( curViewSnippet...
+                               // Move forward a character.
+                               startCharIndex++;
+                               endCharIndex++;
+                               // If search wrap is on, move to other end of 
document, if at
+                               // the end.
+                               if (searchWrap == SCH_WRAP_ON) {
+                                       // If we're at the end, move to the 
other end.
+                                       if (startCharIndex >= numChars || 
endCharIndex >= numChars) {
+                                               // Reset position.
+                                               startCharIndex = 0;
+                                               endCharIndex = startCharIndex + 
+                                               tv.setCursor(startCharIndex, 
+                                       } // if( startCharIndex...
+                               } // if( searchWrap == SCH_WRAP_ON )
+                       } // while( startCharIndex...
+               } // if(searchDirection == SCH_FORWARD)
                // Search forward.
-               //////////////////
-               ///////////////////
+               // ////////////////
+               // /////////////////
                // Search backward.
-                       // Go backward!
-                       if(searchDirection == SCH_BACKWARD)
-                       {
-                               // If there is selection text, that means we're 
still looking at
-                               // what we found earlier. Move past it.
-                               if( tv.view.getSelectionText().length() == 
findMeStr.length() )
-                                       tv.setCursor( startCharIndex, man );
-                               // Get current cursor position.
-                               endCharIndex = tv.view.getCaretOffset();
-                               startCharIndex = endCharIndex - 
-                               // Scour the view for the search string.
-                               while( startCharIndex >= 0 && endCharIndex > 0 )
-                               {
-                                       // Get current snippet of text we're 
- String curViewSnippet = tv.view.getText().substring(startCharIndex, endCharIndex);
-                                       // Should we be checking case sensitive 
-                                       if( searchCaseSensitive == SCH_CASE_OFF 
) {
-                                               curViewSnippet = 
-                                               findMeStr = 
-                                       }
-                                       // Compare the two strings. Is there a 
-                                       if( curViewSnippet.matches(findMeStr) 
== true)
-                                       {
-                                               // Whole word?
-                                               boolean haveAmatch = true;
-                                               if( searchWholeWord == 
-                                               {
-//                                                     "^[\pL\pN]*$";
-                                                       if( startCharIndex - 1 
>= 0)
- if( tv.view.getText().substring(startCharIndex - 1, startCharIndex).matches("^[\\pL\\pN]*$") == true)
haveAmatch = false;
-                                                       if( endCharIndex + 1 < 
numChars )
- if( tv.view.getText().substring(endCharIndex, endCharIndex + 1).matches("^[\\pL\\pN]*$") == true)
haveAmatch = false;
-                                               } // if( searchWholeWord...
-                                               // Update view if we have a 
-                                               if( haveAmatch == true)
-                                               {
-                                                       // Set cursor and view 
to point to search string we found.
-                                                       tv.view.setSelection( 
startCharIndex, endCharIndex );
-                                                       tv.view.setTopIndex( 
tv.view.getLineAtOffset(startCharIndex) );
-                                                       // Found it; break.
-                                                       return true;
-                                               } // if( haveAmatch = true)
-                                       } // if( curViewSnippet...
-                                       // Move back a character.
-                                       startCharIndex--;
-                                       endCharIndex--;
-                                       // If search wrap is on, move to other 
end of document, if at
-                                       // the end.
-                                       if( searchWrap == SCH_WRAP_ON )
-                                       {
-                                               // If we're at the end, move to 
the other end.
-                                               if( startCharIndex < 0 || 
endCharIndex < 0 )
-                                               {
-                                                       // Reset position.
-                                                       endCharIndex = numChars 
- 1;
-                                                       startCharIndex = 
endCharIndex - findMeStr.length();
-                                                       tv.setCursor( 
endCharIndex, man );
-                                               } // if( startCharIndex...
-                                       } // if( searchWrap == SCH_WRAP_ON )
-                               } // while( startCharIndex...
-                       } // if(searchDirection == SCH_BACKWARD)
+               // Go backward!
+               if (searchDirection == SCH_BACKWARD) {
+                       // If there is selection text, that means we're still 
looking at
+                       // what we found earlier. Move past it.
+                       if (tv.view.getSelectionText().length() == 
+                               tv.setCursor(startCharIndex, man);
+                       // Get current cursor position.
+                       endCharIndex = tv.view.getCaretOffset();
+                       startCharIndex = endCharIndex - findMeStr.length();
+                       // Scour the view for the search string.
+                       while (startCharIndex >= 0 && endCharIndex > 0) {
+                               // Get current snippet of text we're testing.
+                               String curViewSnippet = 
+                                               startCharIndex, endCharIndex);
+                               // Should we be checking case sensitive version?
+                               if (searchCaseSensitive == SCH_CASE_OFF) {
+                                       curViewSnippet = 
+                                       findMeStr = findMeStr.toLowerCase();
+                               }
+                               // Compare the two strings. Is there a match?
+                               if (curViewSnippet.matches(findMeStr) == true) {
+                                       // Whole word?
+                                       boolean haveAmatch = true;
+                                       if (searchWholeWord == SCH_WHOLE_ON) {
+                                               // "^[\pL\pN]*$";
+                                               if (startCharIndex - 1 >= 0)
+                                                       if (tv.view
.substring(startCharIndex - 1,
.matches("^[\\pL\\pN]*$") == true)
+                                                               haveAmatch = 
+                                               if (endCharIndex + 1 < numChars)
+                                                       if (tv.view.getText()
.substring(endCharIndex, endCharIndex + 1)
.matches("^[\\pL\\pN]*$") == true)
+                                                               haveAmatch = 
+                                       } // if( searchWholeWord...
+                                       // Update view if we have a match.
+                                       if (haveAmatch == true) {
+                                               // Set cursor and view to point 
to search string we
+                                               // found.
tv.view.setSelection(startCharIndex, endCharIndex);
+                                               tv.view.setTopIndex(tv.view
+                                               // Found it; break.
+                                               return true;
+                                       } // if( haveAmatch = true)
+                               } // if( curViewSnippet...
+                               // Move back a character.
+                               startCharIndex--;
+                               endCharIndex--;
+                               // If search wrap is on, move to other end of 
document, if at
+                               // the end.
+                               if (searchWrap == SCH_WRAP_ON) {
+                                       // If we're at the end, move to the 
other end.
+                                       if (startCharIndex < 0 || endCharIndex 
< 0) {
+                                               // Reset position.
+                                               endCharIndex = numChars - 1;
+                                               startCharIndex = endCharIndex - 
+                                               tv.setCursor(endCharIndex, man);
+                                       } // if( startCharIndex...
+                               } // if( searchWrap == SCH_WRAP_ON )
+                       } // while( startCharIndex...
+               } // if(searchDirection == SCH_BACKWARD)
                // Search backward.
-               ///////////////////
+               // /////////////////
                // If for some reason we get here, couldn't find a matching 
                return false;
        } // findStr()
 } // class SearchDialog...

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