[brailleblaster] Functional Analisis of BrailleBlaster

  • From: "John J. Boyer" <john.boyer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: brailleblaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2010 05:38:29 -0600

I think it will be a great learning experience for many of us, myself 
included, to continue discussions of the architecture of BrailleBlaster 
on this list.

pursuing the analysis of Braille blaster by function and subfunction, I 
have realized that launching the program has nothing to do with the 
editor. There should therefore be an org.brailleblaster.launch package, 
probly with the single class Launcher 

We should also have packages org.brailleblaster.input and 
org.brailleblaster.output The various classes in these packages would 
handle different types of input and output. 

The editor package would then ccontain PrintWindow BrailleWindow, 
WindowHelpers and a class to coordinate the two windows, such as their 
placement on the screen. This would be the "controller" of MVC. It 
mightg be called simply Coordinator. 

We should also have a package called embosserdrivers since some Java 
code will be needed to call the drivers which aren't written in Java 

Ok, to the oldo Java hands I am probably making a fool of myself. But, 
no fooling, no learning.


-- John J. Boyer; President, Chief Software Developer Abilitiessoft, 
Inc. http://www.abilitiessoft.com Madison, Wisconsin USA Developing 
software for people with disabilities

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