[bookshare-discuss] Re: worst titles

  • From: "Karen McDonald" <kmcdonald@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <bookshare-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 12:42:02 -0500

I downloaded that book last night and I look forward to reading it.

I have two more suggestions for future submissions to Bookshare.  One is 
Nick's Trip by George Pelecanos and the other is Little Scarlet by Walter 

I have never submitted a book and don't know quite how to do that, but until 
I have the time to learn the process, I appreciate all of you who submit 
books and make it possible for us to read them.  You deserve the proverbial 
gold star, (smile.)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <talmage@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <bookshare-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 8:23 AM
Subject: [bookshare-discuss] worst titles

> This isn't a comment on the quality, or content, of the book, as it
> actually sounds as though it would be interesting, but if we ever start a
> list for the worst titles here's a nomination.  I was going through the 
> New
> list and came across it.  I was struck at first by the concept of an oral
> history that is in print, and for the former English teachers out there, 
> by
> the 'A Oral' in the title.
>         Hard Times, A Oral History of the Great Depression
> by
> Studs Terkel
> This classic oral history features the voices of the men and women who
> actually lived through the Great Depression of the 1930's.

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