[bookshare-discuss] OT: twitter book characters come alive

  • From: "susan l. gerhart" <slger123@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bookshare-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 05 Jun 2009 11:00:21 -0700

I just had to share this little book  marketing gimmick that's really fun.

after completing the Macy dobbs series, I was pointed to Mary russell by Laurie 
r. King, 6 of 9 in the series on bookshare. I mentioned this series in a tweet 
and soon @mary_russell was following me.  whoa, was this a modern day person 
with that name? Nope,  user profile describes the detective and theologian with 
reference to Laurie R. King, the author as her literary agent. 

Now,  you have to be really into twitter to experience the full effect of "Mary 
russell is following you", as sherlock Holmes successor  story was set in the 

The gimmick worked and got me to the author's website. are other literary 
characters, impersonating their authors, appearing on twitter? should they be 
invited to join their books on bookshare?

More practically, is anybody scanning the remaining 3 series books? If not, 
I'll do so.


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  • » [bookshare-discuss] OT: twitter book characters come alive - susan l. gerhart