• From: buhrow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Brian Buhrow)
  • To: bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 9 May 2007 13:10:48 -0700

        Hello.  I'm pleased to announce the release of ubt-0.93, the newest
version of the Unix and Mac OS X based tool for transfering text and audio
files to your Book Port or Book Courier.  This is a maintenance release,
incorporating several accumulated bug fixes, the most notable of which is a
fix to the text indexer which should cause transfered texts to read more
smoothly than they did previously.  Also, although it is not entirely
fixed, the pointer lagging problem should be significantly reduced for V21
indexes, and maybe even eliminated entirely for V22 indexed files.

As always, you can retrieve the latest version of ubt from:

It's also worth noting that May 1, 2007 marked the first aniversary of the
release of the ubt utility.

As usual, feel free to let me know if there are any issues you run into
using this tool.  And, of course, happy reading!

P.S.  Here is the ChangeLog file for ubt, in case you're interested in
seeing exactly what's new.  As this file grows, it won't be practical
to include it in these announcements, but right now, it's small.


$Id: ChangeLog,v 1.6 2007/05/09 07:11:20 buhrow Exp $

Changes from V0.92 to V0.93
Fix error where if -f indicates a directory that doesn't exist and
create_subdirectory isn't set, or the -D flag isn't used, ubt would print
an erroneous message about how there wasn't enough free space on the
indicated flash card.  Now, print an error message indicating the
non-existence of the destination directory.

Make sure ubt checks for errors writing the index files, as well as for
errors writing the data files.

Tweak the text indexer so that it properly marks paragraphs at points after
newlines.  Improves tracking and reading.

Changes from V0.91 to V0.92
Fix bug where -F doesn't disable mount point checking.
Make ubt compile and run cleanly on MAC OS X

Changes from V0.90 to V0.91
Apply fixes to allow ubt to compile on Mac OS  X.
Make ubt produce correct index files regardless of host endianness.
Fix bug limiting number of navigational markers to 65535.

V0.90, initial release

Other related posts:

  • » [bookport] ANNOUNCING THE RELEASE OF UBT-0.93