[blindza] Blindie version of an old PC/commodore/amiga game

  • From: "Jacob Kruger" <jacobk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "NAPSA Blind" <blind@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, "BlindZA" <blindza@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 18:09:57 +0200

The original lemmings game:

And a direct download link for the current, alpha release blindie version:

From the readme file:
"Greenies are small living beings who look a little like mushrooms and who 
mainly live in the forest. Following a critical ecologic catastrophy which 
destroyed their home forest, they decided to begin a journey with the hope to 
find a new green place to live comfortably.
Infortunately, greenies aren't very smart, they tend to always go strate away, 
ignoring dangers. For them, making such a trip would allmost lead to a 
collective suicide.
However, their boss, who is a little smarter, had the idea to call a guide who 
will help and look after them during their journey. Believe it or not, but they 
chose an human to do that task, inspite the fact that the destruction of their 
environment was caused by human's activities. You, are, the, one they chose. 
Don't lead them to the death and don't make them regret their choice !

Game goal
Your goal is to lead a couple of greenies to the end of a trip through several 
worlds, going harder and harder as the quest goes.
greenies are small sympathic creatures but they are basicly stupid: they always 
go strate whatever is there ahead, and go back only when they really have 
nothing but that possibility. Therefore, they fall strate in the void or in the 
see, go directly trapped into mouse traps,  etc. They only go back when seeing 
a wall.
Fortunately, you have the power to give competencies to your greenies, so that 
they become able to reach exit doors safe thank to your strategy. Some 
competencies are temporary, some others are permanent til the end of the level, 
and some are even sometimes cumulables. You have the responsability to choose 
adequately to whom and when give which competence so that  a maximum of 
creatures reach the exit.
To finish a level, you must save at least a certain number of greenies. If you 
fail, you lose ! You begin with 50 greenies and you continue the game with the 
number of greenies you saved in previous levels.
A greeny can fall from an height of 2 squares without any damage, but he don't 
survive to a fall of 3 or more squares high. greenies can also go up one square 
if they can."

Basically, seems like you assign skills to a greenie, and make him do something 
about/to a specific route obstacle, to then try allow the others to get past 
it, etc., and this is the type of game I would have enjoyed quite a bit in the 
old days...or now, in the blindie version...<smile>

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

Other related posts:

  • » [blindza] Blindie version of an old PC/commodore/amiga game - Jacob Kruger