[blindeudora] Re: filterAdding a Personality

  • From: Leonard Salinas <okiespirit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: blindeudora@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 01:27:23 -0600

I made one mistake in my instructions. to bring up the personalities list, 
the command is shift+ctrl+n not r. sorry about that.

on Wednesday 11/24/2004 12:17 AM, Norma A. Boge-Conyers said:
>Hi listers,
>I'm using Eudora 6.1 in paid mode and Jaws 5.1 and am getting hung up while
>trying to add a personality.  I get the new account wizard, and I get to
>the place where I can open the listing for Outlook Express and it says
>something like "add address book, etc. from" then it lists my Hot Mail
>address.  I select this but I can go no further from this screen.  I tab to
>the Next button and hit the space bar, but nothing happens. I tried hitting
>enter, Alt N, and clicking on it with the Jaws cursor with no luck.  Can
>someone please help me figure out what I need to do to proceed with setting
>up the personality?
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