blind_html [Fwd: BAH this one's a bit dated, but still funny!]

  • From: Nimer <nimerjaber1@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: blind_html@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 22:04:35 -0700

"Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very 
wise cannot see all
ends." LOTR

Nimer M. Jaber

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        BAH this one's a bit dated, but still funny!
Date:   Thu, 25 Dec 2008 20:09:46 -0800
From:   The Elf <inthaneelf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To:       blindAccessHelp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To:     <blindAccessHelp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

alright, i still have to laugh at this one:

After getting all of Pope Benedict's luggage loaded into the
limo (and he doesn't travel light), the driver noticed that
the Pope was still standing on the curb.

"Excuse me, Your Eminence," said the driver, "would you
please take your seat so we can leave?"

"Well, to tell you the truth," said the Pope, "they never
let me drive at the Vatican, and I'd really like to drive

"I'm sorry, but I cannot let you do that. I'd lose my job!
And what if something should happen?" protested the driver,
wishing he'd never gone to work that morning.

"There might be something extra in it for you," said the

Reluctantly, the driver got in the back as the Pope climbed
in behind the wheel. The driver quickly regretted his
decision when, after exiting the airport, the Supreme
Pontiff floored it, accelerating the limo to 105 mph.

"Please slow down, Your Holiness!!!" pleaded the worried
driver, but the Pope kept the pedal to the metal until they
heard sirens.

"Oh no, I'm gonna lose my license," moaned the driver.

The Pope pulled over and rolled down the window as the cop
approached, but the cop took one look at him, went back to
his motorcycle, and got on the radio.

"I need to talk to the Chief," he said to the dispatcher.
The Chief got on the radio and the cop told him that he'd
stopped a limo going a hundred and five.

"So bust him," said the Chief.

"I don't think we want to do that; he's really important,"
said the cop.

Then the Chief exclaimed, "All the more reason!"

"No, I mean really important," said the cop.

The Chief then asked, "Who ya got there, the mayor?"

Cop: "Bigger."

Chief: "Governor?"

Cop: "Bigger."

"Well," said the Chief, "who is it?"

Cop: "I think it's God!"

Chief: "What makes you think it's God?"

Cop: "He's got the Pope for a limo driver!"

the elf

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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  • » blind_html [Fwd: BAH this one's a bit dated, but still funny!] - Nimer