[blind-democracy] Is France Building an Apartheid State?

  • From: Miriam Vieni <miriamvieni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: blind-democracy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2015 15:40:35 -0500

Here is the article that I couldn't read yesterday because the link on the
Alternet email didn't work. When I wrote about France yesterday, I hadn't
read all these details.

Published on Alternet (http://www.alternet.org)
Home > Is France Building an Apartheid State?
Is France Building an Apartheid State?
By James Kleinfeld [1], Max Blumenthal [2] / AlterNet [3]
December 8, 2015
Ed. note: Watch the documentary at the bottom of the article.
In our documentary released earlier this year, Je Ne Suis Pas Charlie, Max
Blumenthal and I surveyed the landscape of French society in the wake of the
Charlie Hebdo attacks, interviewing representatives of French Muslim and
Jewish communities, political activists, academics and average French
citizens. The accounts we recorded told of long-exacerbating pressures on
inter-communal relations that are rapidly approaching a state of low-level
civil conflict. The minority citizens we spoke with were seething under a
system that has given rise to daily encounters with discrimination and
systematic exclusion from the public space.
In turn, French reality has been punctuated by seemingly random,
spectacularly gruesome acts of violence carried out by individuals who come
from the most excluded sections of French society. They are at once
native-born citizens of France and the country’s ultimate outsiders. The
main perpetrators of the Charlie Hebdo attacks and the atrocities this
November were not a foreign presence which has disturbed a peaceful status
quo in French society, but the unwanted, outcasted byproducts of the French
Republic and its imperial legacy in the Middle East.
Whether or not we are willing to describe the situation in impoverished
French banlieues (suburbs) as outright apartheid, as Prime Minister Manuel
Valls [4] did this year, the toxic combination of militaristic government
policies abroad and draconian, discriminatory policies at home have
unleashed an authoritarian mood among the general public. For French Muslims
and other minorities, the situation increasingly resembles the plight blacks
faced in apartheid South Africa and even that of the Palestinians living
under Israeli military occupation. Though French minorities confront only a
shadow of the disproportionate violence that Israel has visited upon
Palestinians, they have found themselves in a permanent state of exclusion
enforced by a regime of increasingly brutal repression.
The racism that has always simmered just above the surface of mainstream
French society has reached historic highs. In the month following the
attacks on Charlie Hebdo, the Collective Against Islamophobia measured [5] a
70% rise in Islamophobic incidents, 80% of which were directed against
Muslim women usually targeted because they wore hijab. This includes
Islamophobic language, verbal and physical assaults and property damage.
Since the terrorist attacks of November 13, mosques, halal butchers, kebab
restaurants and town halls have been attacked [6].
The scale of this racist tidal wave on Muslims can be gleaned from a
statement made by a Parisian policeman, who said [7] he is "overwhelmed with
false accusations" made by civilians toward people perceived as Muslim. This
goes hand in hand with the systemic use of racial profiling [8] by France's
security forces. This populist assault on France’s Muslim community has been
incited by high-level Islamophobia from the country’s leadership, whose
excesses include laws banning [9] the Islamic veil, shuttering mosques [10],
imposing state-friendly [11], puppet-like religious leadership, removing
[12] non-halal options for Muslim school children, and the anti-immigrant
bile [13] spewed by members of the far-right National Front and former
President Nicholas Sarkozy's center-right "Republican" Party [14].
How does this situation mirror apartheid, or the Israeli regime of ethnic
separation known as hafrada, and whose benefit does this state of affairs
serve? Undoubtedly, France’s political class has been careful to avoid
canonizing an overt ideology of ethno-supremacy, and yet the effects of
state actions have clearly led to the same result. In our documentary,
Houria Bouteldja, a founder of the leftist minority party known as the
Indigenous Peoples of the Republic, claimed it was “the figure of the
Christian, white, European person” who the state privileges with power and
wealth in the society, who is legally positioned above “the black, the Arab,
the Muslim and the Roma” person. It isn't a visible form of apartheid, but a
regime of separation which is enacted through systemic, naturalized forms of
domination and violence. As her fellow party leader Youssouf Boussouma
described to us how the French authorities banned demonstrations against
Israel’s 2014 assault on Gaza, then meted out harsh punishments to young
Arab males who took to the streets, “this government behaves toward certain
sections of its populations as if they really were citizens of an occupied
The reality Bouteldja and Boussouma painted for us reflected the
consequences of a long-term, generational process of exclusion and
inequality that stemmed directly from the history of French colonialism in
Africa and the Middle East, the treatment of French colonialists to the
indigenous populations which it ruled over, and the actions of the French
army in those colonies.
Ethnic separation is also maintained through the urban environment, where
large numbers of Arab and African communities languish in a spiral of
poverty, relegated to second-class citizenship and physically separated
through deliberate planning. Ethnic divisions are most notable in Paris,
where successive waves of immigration from France's African and Middle
Eastern colonies were settled in underfunded, distant suburbs. Meanwhile,
gentrification is pushing the remaining minority communities out of the
socially engineered Parisian city center, relegating them to the
immiseration and despair of thebanlieues. The périphérique, the ring road
encircling the 20 districts of Paris and elegantly buried underground [15]
in the genteel neighbourhoods of the West and South, functions as a concrete
roadblock [16] cutting off access to and from the lower-class neighbourhoods
of Saint-Ouen, Saint-Denis, Aubervilliers and Montreuil to the North and
East. What this leads to is a growing cultural and ethnic homogenization of
the center, through turfing out the different Others to the periphery. As
Boussouma, the minority rights activist, remarked, “We have the feeling
that... this isn't the same country, that these aren't the same norms, not
the same references, that [we] live in a sort of sub-humanity.”
Following the atrocities of November 13, President François Hollande
launched a state of emergency across France, which has since been extended
for the next three months. The emergency regulations represent a legal
no-man’s land between peacetime common law and wartime state of siege that
has allowed the French state to deploy a war without needing to call it one.
This is a war of low intensity, whose main tools are legal and judicial
rather than through physical offensives. The state of emergency allows local
officials to [17] impose curfews, limit the freedom of movement and enter
residences in certain areas, forbid individuals from entering certain zones
and place them under house arrest in arbitrary fashion. French citizens who
remember the Vichy regime have made the connection [18] between the expanded
policy of house arrests, and the creation of concentration camps by the
Vichy regime, who used the same expression of 'house arrest' to justify
their draconian clampdowns. The state of emergency was also used during the
Algerian war to imprison thousands of suspected nationalist sympathisers.
What sort of result can we expect when the widespread ethnic profiling by
French security forces is armed with a state of emergency? At the very
moment when the French army is beefing up its military presence in Syria, it
is impossible to demonstrate against these military operations, just as it
was illegal to gather in large crowds for the COP 21 climate change talks
recently held in Paris. Indeed, 26 environmental activists have been placed
under house arrest [19], preventing them from protesting against the climate
The new rules have been applied most firmly against the minority banlieue
dwellers who bear the figure of the "terrorist." The day after the November
13 attacks, police stormed through the impoverished St. Denis neighborhood
where two of the assailants lived, stopping and frisking young Arab men in
droves, and raiding homes indiscriminately. By early December, the
authorities had closed [20] at least three mosques, and arrested hundreds
after more than 2,200 raids carried out under the premise of anti-terrorism.
Laurent Wauqiuez, the number-three figure in Nicolas Sarkozy’s Republican
Party, has even suggested [21] placing French citizens under terror
investigations in internment camps.
While dynamics in French society have come to resemble those in
Israel-Palestine, with deep fractures along ethnic lines, suppression of
civil liberties and racist incitement, the Israel-Palestine crisis has been
simultaneously imported back into French society. The French government
entertains an obsequious relationship toward the State of Israel, having
invited [22] Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu to Paris following the
attacks in January while slavishly supporting [23] his successive assaults
on Gaza. France's security and intelligence forces cooperate closely [24]
with their Israeli counterparts; the municipality of Paris even stoked
controversy earlier this year by hosting [25] the city of Tel Aviv for a one
day event at the Paris Plage artificial beach, whitewashing the murder of
children on the beaches of Gaza one year earlier. At the recent COP 21
climate summit, Parisian authorities deployed [26] a surveillance balloon
made by Israel and first tested on occupied Palestinians by the Israeli
France can also be considered as contiguous territory on the war on
Palestine. The French government is assisting Israel’s strategic imperatives
by acting as the only country in the world that has criminalized the boycott
of the State of Israel. A memorandum [27] issued in 2010 by then-Justice
Minister Michèle Alliot-Marie demanded legal actions against BDS activists
on the specious grounds that their political activities represented a form
of anti-Semitic hate speech. In recent weeks dozens of activists of the BDS
(boycott, divestment, sanctions) movement have been taken to court under the
so-called Lellouche law. This month, four more activists will stand trial
[28] in Toulouse for distributing pro-boycott material.
Omar Slaouti, a BDS activist who was summoned to trial under the
Alliot-Marie directive, hears disturbing echoes of Israeli rhetoric in
French political discourse. “The political language used to justify Western
wars of foreign intervention is the same used by Israel to justify its
occupation of Palestine,” Slaouti said, “and the same discourse wielded by
the French political and security class towards the French underclasses.”
During a demonstration last year in protest of Israel’s war on the besieged
Gaza Strip, the extremist Jewish Defense League instigated a scuffle [29]
with anti-war protesters, throwing projectiles at the demonstrators before
fleeing for safety behind line of riot police. The French government
reflexively took the side of JDL and its supporters, criminalizing all
further demonstrations in support of Palestine. This suppression of
Palestinian solidarity has been supplemented by attacks on anti-Zionist
Jewish organisations, such as the the Union of French Jews for Peace (UJFP)
and Juives et juifs révolutionnaires [30] (Revolutionary Jews) by the JDL.
A French-Israeli hacker named Ulcan (real name Gregory Chelli) has taken
refuge in Israeli-controlled territory, where he terrorizes activists from
the leftist UJFP. A typical Ulcan prank [31] caused riot police to rush to
the home of UJFP president Jean Guy Greilsamer to respond to a false claim
that Greilsamer had killed his entire family and would open fire on any
police who approached his home. Ulcan is a former member of the JDL, which
has appealed to French police for direct security coordinations,
particularly in heavily Jewish areas like Sarcelles that also contain large
Muslim and immigrant populations. A Jewish community leader from Sarcelles,
David Haik, told us that this collaboration is already taking place below
the radar.
“When the army is called in to protect some French citizens against others,”
Haik remarked, “it's the beginning of a civil war.”
Kahina Rabahi assisted in the reporting of this article.
Follow James Kleinfeld on Twitter [32].
Max Blumenthal is a senior writer for AlterNet, and the award-winning author
of Goliath [33] and Republican Gomorrah [34]. His most recent book is The 51
Day War: Ruin and Resistance in Gaza. Find him on Twitter at @MaxBlumenthal
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Report typos and corrections to 'corrections@xxxxxxxxxxxx'. [36]
Source URL:
[1] http://www.alternet.org/authors/james-kleinfeld
[2] http://www.alternet.org/authors/max-blumenthal
[3] http://alternet.org
[14] http://oumma.com/16996/jean-francois-cope-multiplie-pains-chocolat
[15] http://wikimapia.org/12736617/fr/Porte-d-Auteuil
[16] http://wikimapia.org/1475748/fr/Porte-de-la-Chapelle
[18] http://www.vacarme.org/article2823.html#nh6
[20] http://m.democracynow.org/stories/15745
[31] http://www.ujfp.org/spip.php?article3966
[32] https://twitter.com/kleinfeldja
[34] http://republicangomorrah.com/
[35] http://twitter.com/maxblumenthal
[36] mailto:corrections@xxxxxxxxxxxx?Subject=Typo on Is France Building an
Apartheid State?
[37] http://www.alternet.org/
[38] http://www.alternet.org/%2Bnew_src%2B

Published on Alternet (http://www.alternet.org)
Home > Is France Building an Apartheid State?

Is France Building an Apartheid State?
By James Kleinfeld [1], Max Blumenthal [2] / AlterNet [3]
December 8, 2015
Ed. note: Watch the documentary at the bottom of the article.
In our documentary released earlier this year, Je Ne Suis Pas Charlie, Max
Blumenthal and I surveyed the landscape of French society in the wake of the
Charlie Hebdo attacks, interviewing representatives of French Muslim and
Jewish communities, political activists, academics and average French
citizens. The accounts we recorded told of long-exacerbating pressures on
inter-communal relations that are rapidly approaching a state of low-level
civil conflict. The minority citizens we spoke with were seething under a
system that has given rise to daily encounters with discrimination and
systematic exclusion from the public space.
In turn, French reality has been punctuated by seemingly random,
spectacularly gruesome acts of violence carried out by individuals who come
from the most excluded sections of French society. They are at once
native-born citizens of France and the country’s ultimate outsiders. The
main perpetrators of the Charlie Hebdo attacks and the atrocities this
November were not a foreign presence which has disturbed a peaceful status
quo in French society, but the unwanted, outcasted byproducts of the French
Republic and its imperial legacy in the Middle East.
Whether or not we are willing to describe the situation in impoverished
French banlieues (suburbs) as outright apartheid, as Prime Minister Manuel
Valls [4] did this year, the toxic combination of militaristic government
policies abroad and draconian, discriminatory policies at home have
unleashed an authoritarian mood among the general public. For French Muslims
and other minorities, the situation increasingly resembles the plight blacks
faced in apartheid South Africa and even that of the Palestinians living
under Israeli military occupation. Though French minorities confront only a
shadow of the disproportionate violence that Israel has visited upon
Palestinians, they have found themselves in a permanent state of exclusion
enforced by a regime of increasingly brutal repression.
The racism that has always simmered just above the surface of mainstream
French society has reached historic highs. In the month following the
attacks on Charlie Hebdo, the Collective Against Islamophobia measured [5] a
70% rise in Islamophobic incidents, 80% of which were directed against
Muslim women usually targeted because they wore hijab. This includes
Islamophobic language, verbal and physical assaults and property damage.
Since the terrorist attacks of November 13, mosques, halal butchers, kebab
restaurants and town halls have been attacked [6].
The scale of this racist tidal wave on Muslims can be gleaned from a
statement made by a Parisian policeman, who said [7] he is "overwhelmed with
false accusations" made by civilians toward people perceived as Muslim. This
goes hand in hand with the systemic use of racial profiling [8] by France's
security forces. This populist assault on France’s Muslim community has been
incited by high-level Islamophobia from the country’s leadership, whose
excesses include laws banning [9] the Islamic veil, shuttering mosques [10],
imposing state-friendly [11], puppet-like religious leadership, removing
[12] non-halal options for Muslim school children, and the anti-immigrant
bile [13] spewed by members of the far-right National Front and former
President Nicholas Sarkozy's center-right "Republican" Party [14].
How does this situation mirror apartheid, or the Israeli regime of ethnic
separation known as hafrada, and whose benefit does this state of affairs
serve? Undoubtedly, France’s political class has been careful to avoid
canonizing an overt ideology of ethno-supremacy, and yet the effects of
state actions have clearly led to the same result. In our documentary,
Houria Bouteldja, a founder of the leftist minority party known as the
Indigenous Peoples of the Republic, claimed it was “the figure of the
Christian, white, European person” who the state privileges with power and
wealth in the society, who is legally positioned above “the black, the Arab,
the Muslim and the Roma” person. It isn't a visible form of apartheid, but a
regime of separation which is enacted through systemic, naturalized forms of
domination and violence. As her fellow party leader Youssouf Boussouma
described to us how the French authorities banned demonstrations against
Israel’s 2014 assault on Gaza, then meted out harsh punishments to young
Arab males who took to the streets, “this government behaves toward certain
sections of its populations as if they really were citizens of an occupied
The reality Bouteldja and Boussouma painted for us reflected the
consequences of a long-term, generational process of exclusion and
inequality that stemmed directly from the history of French colonialism in
Africa and the Middle East, the treatment of French colonialists to the
indigenous populations which it ruled over, and the actions of the French
army in those colonies.
Ethnic separation is also maintained through the urban environment, where
large numbers of Arab and African communities languish in a spiral of
poverty, relegated to second-class citizenship and physically separated
through deliberate planning. Ethnic divisions are most notable in Paris,
where successive waves of immigration from France's African and Middle
Eastern colonies were settled in underfunded, distant suburbs. Meanwhile,
gentrification is pushing the remaining minority communities out of the
socially engineered Parisian city center, relegating them to the
immiseration and despair of thebanlieues. The périphérique, the ring road
encircling the 20 districts of Paris and elegantly buried underground [15]
in the genteel neighbourhoods of the West and South, functions as a concrete
roadblock [16] cutting off access to and from the lower-class neighbourhoods
of Saint-Ouen, Saint-Denis, Aubervilliers and Montreuil to the North and
East. What this leads to is a growing cultural and ethnic homogenization of
the center, through turfing out the different Others to the periphery. As
Boussouma, the minority rights activist, remarked, “We have the feeling
that... this isn't the same country, that these aren't the same norms, not
the same references, that [we] live in a sort of sub-humanity.”
Following the atrocities of November 13, President François Hollande
launched a state of emergency across France, which has since been extended
for the next three months. The emergency regulations represent a legal
no-man’s land between peacetime common law and wartime state of siege that
has allowed the French state to deploy a war without needing to call it one.
This is a war of low intensity, whose main tools are legal and judicial
rather than through physical offensives. The state of emergency allows local
officials to [17] impose curfews, limit the freedom of movement and enter
residences in certain areas, forbid individuals from entering certain zones
and place them under house arrest in arbitrary fashion. French citizens who
remember the Vichy regime have made the connection [18] between the expanded
policy of house arrests, and the creation of concentration camps by the
Vichy regime, who used the same expression of 'house arrest' to justify
their draconian clampdowns. The state of emergency was also used during the
Algerian war to imprison thousands of suspected nationalist sympathisers.
What sort of result can we expect when the widespread ethnic profiling by
French security forces is armed with a state of emergency? At the very
moment when the French army is beefing up its military presence in Syria, it
is impossible to demonstrate against these military operations, just as it
was illegal to gather in large crowds for the COP 21 climate change talks
recently held in Paris. Indeed, 26 environmental activists have been placed
under house arrest [19], preventing them from protesting against the climate
The new rules have been applied most firmly against the minority banlieue
dwellers who bear the figure of the "terrorist." The day after the November
13 attacks, police stormed through the impoverished St. Denis neighborhood
where two of the assailants lived, stopping and frisking young Arab men in
droves, and raiding homes indiscriminately. By early December, the
authorities had closed [20] at least three mosques, and arrested hundreds
after more than 2,200 raids carried out under the premise of anti-terrorism.
Laurent Wauqiuez, the number-three figure in Nicolas Sarkozy’s Republican
Party, has even suggested [21] placing French citizens under terror
investigations in internment camps.
While dynamics in French society have come to resemble those in
Israel-Palestine, with deep fractures along ethnic lines, suppression of
civil liberties and racist incitement, the Israel-Palestine crisis has been
simultaneously imported back into French society. The French government
entertains an obsequious relationship toward the State of Israel, having
invited [22] Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu to Paris following the
attacks in January while slavishly supporting [23] his successive assaults
on Gaza. France's security and intelligence forces cooperate closely [24]
with their Israeli counterparts; the municipality of Paris even stoked
controversy earlier this year by hosting [25] the city of Tel Aviv for a one
day event at the Paris Plage artificial beach, whitewashing the murder of
children on the beaches of Gaza one year earlier. At the recent COP 21
climate summit, Parisian authorities deployed [26] a surveillance balloon
made by Israel and first tested on occupied Palestinians by the Israeli
France can also be considered as contiguous territory on the war on
Palestine. The French government is assisting Israel’s strategic imperatives
by acting as the only country in the world that has criminalized the boycott
of the State of Israel. A memorandum [27] issued in 2010 by then-Justice
Minister Michèle Alliot-Marie demanded legal actions against BDS activists
on the specious grounds that their political activities represented a form
of anti-Semitic hate speech. In recent weeks dozens of activists of the BDS
(boycott, divestment, sanctions) movement have been taken to court under the
so-called Lellouche law. This month, four more activists will stand trial
[28] in Toulouse for distributing pro-boycott material.
Omar Slaouti, a BDS activist who was summoned to trial under the
Alliot-Marie directive, hears disturbing echoes of Israeli rhetoric in
French political discourse. “The political language used to justify Western
wars of foreign intervention is the same used by Israel to justify its
occupation of Palestine,” Slaouti said, “and the same discourse wielded by
the French political and security class towards the French underclasses.”
During a demonstration last year in protest of Israel’s war on the besieged
Gaza Strip, the extremist Jewish Defense League instigated a scuffle [29]
with anti-war protesters, throwing projectiles at the demonstrators before
fleeing for safety behind line of riot police. The French government
reflexively took the side of JDL and its supporters, criminalizing all
further demonstrations in support of Palestine. This suppression of
Palestinian solidarity has been supplemented by attacks on anti-Zionist
Jewish organisations, such as the the Union of French Jews for Peace (UJFP)
and Juives et juifs révolutionnaires [30] (Revolutionary Jews) by the JDL.
A French-Israeli hacker named Ulcan (real name Gregory Chelli) has taken
refuge in Israeli-controlled territory, where he terrorizes activists from
the leftist UJFP. A typical Ulcan prank [31] caused riot police to rush to
the home of UJFP president Jean Guy Greilsamer to respond to a false claim
that Greilsamer had killed his entire family and would open fire on any
police who approached his home. Ulcan is a former member of the JDL, which
has appealed to French police for direct security coordinations,
particularly in heavily Jewish areas like Sarcelles that also contain large
Muslim and immigrant populations. A Jewish community leader from Sarcelles,
David Haik, told us that this collaboration is already taking place below
the radar.
“When the army is called in to protect some French citizens against others,”
Haik remarked, “it's the beginning of a civil war.”
Kahina Rabahi assisted in the reporting of this article.
Follow James Kleinfeld on Twitter [32].
Max Blumenthal is a senior writer for AlterNet, and the award-winning author
of Goliath [33] and Republican Gomorrah [34]. His most recent book is The 51
Day War: Ruin and Resistance in Gaza. Find him on Twitter at @MaxBlumenthal
Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
Report typos and corrections to 'corrections@xxxxxxxxxxxx'. [36]
Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.[37]

Source URL:
[1] http://www.alternet.org/authors/james-kleinfeld
[2] http://www.alternet.org/authors/max-blumenthal
[3] http://alternet.org
[14] http://oumma.com/16996/jean-francois-cope-multiplie-pains-chocolat
[15] http://wikimapia.org/12736617/fr/Porte-d-Auteuil
[16] http://wikimapia.org/1475748/fr/Porte-de-la-Chapelle
[18] http://www.vacarme.org/article2823.html#nh6
[20] http://m.democracynow.org/stories/15745
[31] http://www.ujfp.org/spip.php?article3966
[32] https://twitter.com/kleinfeldja
[34] http://republicangomorrah.com/
[35] http://twitter.com/maxblumenthal
[36] mailto:corrections@xxxxxxxxxxxx?Subject=Typo on Is France Building an
Apartheid State?
[37] http://www.alternet.org/
[38] http://www.alternet.org/%2Bnew_src%2B

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