[bksvol-discuss] western Christian fiction books requested

  • From: Cindy <popularplace@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gwen tweedy <gstweedy@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2009 01:33:13 -0700 (PDT)

Gwen, I added your request to the Wish List and forwarded it to the volunteer 
email list. Hopefully one of the fans of westerns and Christian fiction will 
scan it soon.

From: gwen tweedy <gstweedy@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Hi again sorry to bother you again *smile*
To: "Cindy" <popularplace@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Friday, July 10, 2009, 6:51 PM


This is Gwen Tweedy again
and I saw a review of a book that the series sounds 
really good,
so if you didn't mind I thought I'd send it on 
and maybe some day down the road,
maybe somebody would find these books.
Dangerous Heart by Tracey Bateman

From the Back 

For the past seven years, Ginger Freeman has had one 
goal: find Grant Kelley and make him pay for allowing her brother to die. 
Growing up motherless with a father who leads an outlaw gang, Ginger isn’t 
exactly peaches and cream. So when she finally tracks down Grant on a wagon 
train headed west, she figured providence had stepped in and given her the 
chance she’s been waiting for. On the wagon train, finally surrounded by a 
of family and under the nurturing eye of Toni Rodde, Ginger begins to lose her 
rough edges. She’s made friends for the first time and has become part of 
something bigger than revenge. Not only has her heart softened toward people in 
general, but God has become a reality she never understood before. And watching 
Grant doctor the pioneers, she’s realized she can’t just kill him and leave the 
train without medical care. Putting her anger aside, before long, Ginger’s a 
functioning part of the group.But when the outlaw gang, headed by her pa, shows 
up and infiltrates the wagon train, she is forced to question her decision. 
self-sacrifice and her new relationship with God can make things right. But it 
might also means she loses everything she’s begun to hold 

My Review:

This is book #3 in a series 
called Westward Hearts Series.

The book is about a gal (Ginger) who joins 
up with a wagon train headed west in order to give the doc (Grant) his just due 
– for letting her brother die when she was a little girl during a stage coach 

During this time that Ginger has been with the wagon train, she 
has been living amongst many Christians and a new mind set begins to take hold. 
Her revenge on Grant is not as strong as it once was and she becomes torn 
between her old life and a new way of living.

During the travel west – a 
band of thieves attack the wagon train. Come to find out it was Ginger’s pa and 
his crew. During the attack, Ginger’s younger brother was hurt and left behind. 
The wagon train folks end up brining him back to camp – he has a head injury 
is very ill.

Ginger then is forced to make the decision of going back 
with her pa and living a life among thieves and robbers or to take a stand in 
what she comes to believe in and live a life among good, hard working people 
with God in her heart.

I really enjoyed this book. The characters are 
very well developed and believable. In fact at first I didn’t like Ginger one 
bit. She reminded me of a defiant, mouthy teen. LOL! Course that all 

I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves heading west 
adventures.. I would like to go back and read books #1 and #2 now!

I just was searching and looking at these types of 
books and found this one.


Other related posts:

  • » [bksvol-discuss] western Christian fiction books requested - Cindy