[bksvol-discuss] stranger in a strange land, once more!

  • From: "Bob" <rwiley@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "bookshare volunteer discussion" <bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 13:37:56 -0500

I vaguely remember that we recently had a discussion about the book "stranger in a Strange Land". But, I don't remember anything about the discussion.

So, here's my problem.

Last night I went to the step 1 page looking for something to validate and there near the top was "stranger in a strange land" by Robert Heinlein. As most sci fi readers know, this is sort of a cult classic in the genre so I thought I'd validate it.

Problem 1: When I opened the book the file was titled "hold for Viji stranger in a strange land". Oops, didn't mean to get someone else's book. But I could tell from the comments that several people had had this book for some time so I thought maybe the hold for was no longer in effect.

Problem 2: When I checked the book out, it had a hodge podge of page breaks and section breaks, it even had one section mark (whatever that is). I tried to straighten out the pages and got somewhat close, but there seem to be four or five pages missing. (I can't be sure exactly how many without further investigation.)

Problem 3: The book has quite a number of general scanner errors (primarily "die" for "the" and "dien" for "then". Along with other general scanning problems.

There is already a copy in the collection that is rated as good, and I could probably get this one into good shape; which means we have two books in "good" condition.

However, I am going to release this book back to the collection recommending that it be rejected. I would like to suggest that this book be placed on the wish list and, hopefully, bookshare could scan it as a bso book?

I'm sorry to whoever scanned it. I know it takes a long time to scan a book and you meant well. I don't lightly recommend a book for rejection. (I'm not sure I've ever done it before.) But hopefully we can get a good copy in the collection soon, and, after all, that's what we are all trying to do isn't it?


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