[bksvol-discuss] Seeking Proofer for The Trouble with Harry by Katie MacAlister

  • From: "Christina" <greensleeves1@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2011 14:56:41 -0500

Would anyone like to proof The Trouble with Harry by Katie MacAlister?  The 
synopsis is below.
I should have it up by next Monday at the latest, sooner if the cleanup goes 
quicker than I expect.

From The Back Cover:

1. He was Plum's new husband. Not normally a problem, but when you considered 
that Harry advertised for a wife, and Plum was set to marry his secretary, 
there was cause for a bit of confusion.


2. He had a title. Plum had spent the last twenty years hiding from the ton, 
and now Harry wanted her to shine in society? Horrors!


3. He didn't know about her shocking secret. How on earth was she going to 
explain about the dead husband who wasn't a husband.and who now seemed to be 
alive again?


4. He had five offspring whose sole purpose in life seemed


to be sending their new stepmother to Bedlam. If she weren't so busy protecting 
the little devils from mysterious attacks, she'd be very cross with their 
attempts to do her in.


5. He'd fallen in love with her. And yet, the maddening man refused to confide 
in her. The former spy harbored more secrets than Plum herself, leaving her no 
choice but to solve the riddles of his past. For Plum knew the real trouble 
with Harry was that he'd stolen her heart.

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