[bksvol-discuss] Anyone interested in editing?

  • From: Anastasia Saridakis <anamatia81@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2007 18:45:25 -0800 (PST)

Hi all
I was wondering if anyone would mind editing a book I wold like to submit. Its 
a book a friend wanted and I said I'd scan it but I am not interested in the 
topic myself. Its called the white man's burden 
Thanks for anyone who can help.

Here is a synopsis

The White Man's Burden is about what William Easterly calls the twin tragedies 
of global poverty. The first is that so many are seemingly fated to live 
horribly stunted, miserable lives and die such early deaths. The second is that 
after fifty years and more than $2.3 trillion in aid from the West addressing 
the first tragedy, there is so shockingly little to show for it. We'll never 
solve the first tragedy, William Easterly argues, unless we figure out the 
So what's going on? The ironies are many: We preach a gospel of freedom and 
individual accountability, yet we intrude on the inner workings of so-called 
developing countries through bloated aid bureaucracies like the IMF and World 
Bank that are accountable to no one for the effects of their prescriptions. 
We've cheered our victory over communism, but seven decades after Stalin's 
fiveyear plans, we're still imposing five-year plans of our own on the wretched 
of the earth. We take all the credit for the economic success stories of the 
last fifty years, like South Korea and Taiwan, when in fact we deserve very 
little of it. We deny all accountability for the fact that despite more than 
half a trillion dollars poured into Mrica and other regions, and one "big new 
idea" after another, the majority of places in which we've meddled the most are 
in fact no better off or are even worse off than they were before. Could there 
be a connection? Could it be that we don't know as much as
 we think we do about the magic spells that will open the door to the road to 

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