[Birkdale Pointe] Updates

  • From: birkdalepointe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: communiques birkdale <birkdalepointe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 12 May 2010 08:07:26 -0700 (PDT)

Hello Everyone,

This is a followup to several items.

I received yet another call with regard to another theft from a unlocked car in 
a driveway from last week. A police report needs to be filed on this case. I 
cannot stress enough that cars need to be locked both in and outside of 
garages. The police will only increase patrols if incidents are reported. 
Please be aware of suspicious behavior. I was asked where these thefts are 
occurring in the sub. All have occurred in Phase I but the message is that we 
are being targeted and there are strangers up to no good in our neighborhood. 
We all need to look out for each other.

With regard to summer lawn cutting in Phase I.  Thank you to those who have 
gone and cut the north and south entrances of Phase I. From the responses I 
received from my previous email about monies left from snow plowing -  31 said 
to use the money where needed - 7 said to save it for snow plowing next winter. 
No one has asked for their $3.36 back. No one stepped forward to offer help or 
to chair a committee to research bids. Several said they would contribute to a 
contract. 3 - offered to take a turn cutting the entrances.  Based on those 
responses and new information I have chosen the following course of actions:
If you want your money back please contact me and make arrangements to pick it 
up.I received 3 bids for lawn cutting only, and only when necessary ( if it is 
dry and not growing it will not be cut) This is for cutting, trimming, blowing, 
and edging occasionally. This is for the north and south entrances of Phase I 
as well as the commons area on Applebrook Dr. where the split rail fence is.
Doug Muller - Birkdale Pointe resident -  $75.00 per cutJ & S Landscape - did 
the winter snow plow - $85.00 per cut unless extra work is required - then the 
charge will higher.Meadowbrook Acres - Company used for Phase II by Pinnacle 
Homes - verbal quote of at least $150.00 per cut.
What I would like to do is have Doug Muller cut the entrances and pay him with 
the remaining money from snow plow funds. We'll see how far that takes us. I 
have seen the work that Doug has done for residents within Birkdale Pointe and 
he does a very thorough job. I have every confidence that he can handle our 

I am not asking for additional donations for the full season at this time 
because of new developments regarding control of our Home Owners Assoc. 

Biltmore Properties through their attorney Steve Cohen has been talking with 
Pinnacle Homes about turning over control of the Home Owners Assoc. to the home 
owners. A letter with details, date,time, and place for a homeowners meeting 
will be forthcoming. The letters will be hand delivered and followed up with a 
copy to those I have email addresses for. I don't have a lot of details at this 
point, just that info will be coming. 

Lastly in the past several weeks I have received several emails asking me to 
post things to email to the sub. It takes me considerable time to take care of 
the communiques for our community. I try to only send things that concern the 
entire community. This is not a community bulletin board, lost and found, or 
private function notice board. If someone would like to format a community 
bulletin board for all to use and post messages on - please feel free to do so. 
I believe communication is important. That is why I began this several years 
ago. However: I do this voluntarily at considerable time to me.I have received 
many other requests to post and have not done so because they were of a 
personal nature or involved things outside of the sub. I am happy to post 
notices for people when asked but please hold your requests to things that 
concern the well being of the entire community or are sub functions for 

Questions/comments hit reply to this email or write to 
Seperate writing to the freelists address will not be received.

As Always - Thanks

Geralyn Milewski


all replies will go to birkdalepointe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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  • » [Birkdale Pointe] Updates - birkdalepointe