[birdky] Re: Quail in Henderson Slough

  • From: "Mark Monroe" <markmonroe1@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: birdky@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2007 18:06:50 -0400

Unless I'm nuts, I'm pretty sure those are hybrid Northern/Masked Bobwhite.
Masked Bobwhite are a Mexican race that is seen frequently with
introduced/released birds.

The bottom male looks fairly straight forward (still retains some face
pattern of Northern Bobwhite on what appears otherwise Masked), but the
first one with the white patch in upper breast (as opposed to chin) seems to
be perhaps partially albinistic as well (not uncommon with inbred stock).

Mark Monroe
Louisville, KY

On 10/5/07, CarlSharpS@xxxxxxx <CarlSharpS@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>  I saw the quail at henderson at the junction of 268 and 136 and I'm
> positive there not Bob White adults or juvenile birds.This really
> shocked me when We saw them and I got to shoot several pic's. I'm scared
> that on opening day of quail season they will be wiped out as they seem so
> tame and we could walk along with them as they fed. I'm sending a couple of
> pictures hoping someone can name them. They are a real beautiful bird.
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