[birdky] Purple Martin roost

  • From: "joe swanson" <gailandjoe@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <birdky@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 08:00:14 -0400

I walked through the pine plantation where the martins had been roosting 
yesterday (8/28) morning. The developer had cleared the trees for a couple of 
streets, destroying approximately a third of  the trees.  Saw no martins. Since 
I wasn't particularly early, I went back in the evening and saw only a few 
flying over.  This morning I went to the nearby pond and cornfield where others 
had seen pm roosting.  They were there.  Seems like they adjusted quite well.  
That's the good news.  The bad news is that the cornfield around the pond will 
be developed sooner rather than later.

Joe Swanson

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