Badges - Re: Video: Pickup driver tries to run motorcyclist off the road

  • From: <CarlGlas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <badges@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 30 May 2011 23:47:35 -0500

Let's not forget that said redneck retrieved what appeared to be a tire tool from his vehicle and was holding it in a manner which could be perceived as threatening.

I encountered a similar such incident one day where the imbecile drove right to the police station, ran inside and claimed there were a couple of "bikers" chasing him down the highway. (It was me and a off duty state trooper. We both ride Honda Goldwings.) A couple of the officers came outside as we were getting off of our motorcycles and after introducing ourselves and briefing them on what all transpired, we all went inside, introduced ourselves and the driver was promptly arrested and escorted to back to the jail. I then sat down at one of their computers and typed a very creative and articulate complaint which assured this lame brain a Class B Misdemeanor of Reckless Driving. Apparently he pled out because I was never subpoenaed to court and I never spoke to a prosecutor. I guess it would be like having a car load of Nun's as a witness to something.

-----Original Message----- From: C D Rowsell
Sent: Monday, May 30, 2011 10:55 PM
To: badges@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Badges - Re: Video: Pickup driver tries to run motorcyclist off the road

Watched the whole thing. At no point in that road was there ever a break in the double yellow lines. Therefore you legally have no ability to pass on that road. The pickup driver was of the opinion that he is 'entitled' to do whatever his winter day room temperature IQ thinks is his 'right' since he grew-up there. (I seriously doubt he has yet grown-up, but I digress.)

What this is all about is:
1. Moron thinks he has been disrespected because someone was passing him
2. Moron is most likely jealous of a rider on a R6 sport bike (which moron
probably would like to have if he could afford it).
3. Moron has 'seniority' on that road since he grew up in the area and
drives as he damned well pleases on it all the time

Anybody got the banjo music to the movie 'Deliverance' handy? It would be
appropriate to put it as a background to the video.

BTW, passing in a no passing zone is an infraction. Attempting to strike
someone with a motor vehicle is a TAD HIGHER than an infraction in the
vehicle code.


-----Original Message-----
From: badges-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:badges-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of CarlGlas@xxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, May 30, 2011 2:16 PM
To: badges@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Badges - Video: Pickup driver tries to run motorcyclist off the

An excellent reason to carry a baseball bat or a Colt.45.

What's worse than a sportbike-mounted motorcyclist passing a
slower-moving vehicle in an area where there are double-yellow lines,
indicating that passing is prohibited? The answer, as you'll see in
the rather shocking video pasted after the break, is retaliation from
the driver being passed.

A motorcyclist in Bracken County, Kentucky, was out for a ride with a
friend on a beautiful Sunday afternoon when he came up on a red Ford
F-150 with an ATV in the bed. The truck was moving at a slower speed
than the motorcyclists, so the lead rider decided to pass. We're not
going to try to defend the biker crossing in what is clearly a
no-passing zone, but that doesn't excuse what happens next.

The Badges Law Enforcement Discussion Group - Est. 1997

The Badges Law Enforcement Discussion Group - Est. 1997

The Badges Law Enforcement Discussion Group - Est. 1997

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