[AZ-Observing] Administrivia: Subscriber's replying from non-subscribed addresses

  • From: Paul Dickson <dickson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: AZ Observing <az-observing@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2003 00:53:15 -0700

If you are sending E-mail to AZ-Observing with a "From" address that is
not subscribed to this list, your E-mail will NOT get through.  Please
either subscribe your new address or change your "From" address to match
your subscription address.

I usually approve these message when I get them, they being so infrequent.
But today I received several of these messages, from several people, and I
don't feel like determining which ones will be duplicates if I approve
them, so I'm going reject all of them. (the rejects will at least let the
individuals know who they are)

This mailing-list server supports "VACATIONS" for subscribed mailing
addresses.  This stops the sending of E-mail, so it's useful if you go on
vacation or have multiple E-mail addresses but you only want one copy of
each message.  If you want more info about this, please contact me

        -Paul Dickson
         AZ-Observing Administrator

See message header for info on list archives or unsubscribing, and please 
send personal replies to the author, not the list.

Other related posts:

  • » [AZ-Observing] Administrivia: Subscriber's replying from non-subscribed addresses