<USS Avalon> Where's Karg?

  • From: FelicityRoanMO@xxxxxxx
  • To: avalon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2003 12:45:11 EDT

Where's Karg?
log by 
Lieutenant Felicity Roan

       Felicity whirled around as Mr. Sierra entered Medical.  As he eyed the 
empty EVA suit, she shifted her focus to the Comm Badge.  "It would seem that 
Mr. Karg is no longer with us."

       She was of course over simplifying the concern; however, she didn't 
want to raise complete alarm within her staff.  Cautiously she motioned for 
and Javan to enter her office.  She knew that perhaps Major Nerys and 
Commander Skyler would join them, but for the moment, she would start with just 

       Once they were inside and seated, she continued.  "Dr. Rashon was 
treating Mr. Whitefeather, who had just transported back from the Allegiance 
Major Nerys.  I exited my office en route to assist her when the transporter 
engaged and all that remained was this."  She produced the comm badge in her 

       "If we cannot determine where he is or how he was transported off the 
ship, I would recommend that we not allow any more crew to visit the 
Allegiance.  There is no need to put the safety of this crew at risk.  Once the 
has been determined we can of course lift the ban."

       "Dr. Rashon?  Do you have anything to add that I missed while I was 
still in my office?"


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  • » <USS Avalon> Where's Karg?