<USS Avalon> "The Truth at Last" Cmdr Skyler

  • From: CmdrSkyler@xxxxxxx
  • To: avalon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 22:39:47 EST

"The Truth at Last"
Cmdr Skyler
Skyler was sitting in her quarters going over events that had occured in  the 
latest mission. First there were the Rydn's, then Flubb's murder in  her 
office and last but not least something about the Forensic's  officer Melanie 
Redgrave. There was something nagging her in the back of her  mind but she 
couldn't put a finger on it. Perhaps if she tried meditating again.  Moreya 
it might help and she was usually right about these things.
She stood up and streched, walking over to the replicator to get a cup of  
warm tea. She also needed to get the fabric cloth that Moreya had given her. 
 some reason that cloth seemed to do alot for her. She had to find out what 
was  going on and soon. After getting the cloth and her tea she returned to her 
couch  and sat down. She had the computer dim the lights and she closed her 
eyes and  began to use the excersises to relax her mind.
The room was sterile and white with a crib in the middle of the space.  
Inside the crib was a young child.....a girl. There were voices all around  
in big words that she didn't understand. She was standing there  with Georgia 
while another woman was near the crib. The voices still were not  clear, but 
the faces were starting to become more familiar. She recognized  Georgia and 
guessed that the other woman was her mother Celeste. What she  couldn't figure 
out was who was in the crib and why was she calling her  name?
"It's ok Sunni we're all here. Here ya go, do you want you bear?" She asked  
as she handed the baby a teddy bear. Then she started to sing the "Your are my 
 Sunshine" song. The baby in the crib smiled. She seemed to know Skyler and 
liked  what she was doing. 
"You is a very good big sister, Skyler." Georgia said as she looked down at  
her. "That little one really does likes it when you sings that song.  You know 
she loves you very much, just like you loves her."
Skyler looked at Georgia, "then how come we have to leave her and  momma 
here? Why can't she come with us? I promise I will take good care of  her. I 
get mad if she hits me with that stupid bear. I promise I really  won't. Why 
can't she and momma come home with us?"
The next thing Skyler knew was that she and Georgia were back on  Betazed and 
Sunni and her momma weren't. When Georgia came into her  room that night and 
told her the news about her momma and  Sunni, Skyler cried and cried. It was 
all her fault. She should  have stayed with them. She had promised to take care 
of Sunni and she  hadn't.
Skyler opened her eyes when she felt the tears falling down her face. She  
held the cloth next to her and cried some more. It was her fault that her  
was gone as well as Sunni. She had to talk to Georgia. Georgia would  tell 
her the truth. She had to.
Once she had composed herself, she called for her new Yeoman. "Amelia, get  
me Georgia Lewis immediately. She should be back on board by now, if not  find 
Skyler had to talk to Georgia and get the truth. Did she  really have a 
sister and was this Melanie person Sunni? Could it  be.......? 

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  • » <USS Avalon> "The Truth at Last" Cmdr Skyler