<USS Avalon> Temporal Rules by Lieutenant JG Anthony Manson

  • From: Anthony Manson <circus_ofde_damned@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Avalon Sim <avalon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 21:28:37 -0800 (PST)

Temporal Rules

by Lieutenant JG Anthony Manson

Temporal Mechanics was not a topic that Anthony had covered much during the 
Academy. It was an extra semester of it and was warned by other cadets that 
some painkillers for the brain, and coffee or something stronger for the body 
was needed in order to stay in that class. During those days, he found out that 
endless amount of temporal training and studying was the root of the class? 
curriculum. He ended up never attending it since he had several other courses 
that took already his depleted time. Aside from the basics of passing the 
Academy, a lot of his time was spent on navigation and piloting, operations and 
rudimentary- but well informed enough- on ships systems, and a second level 
tactical training that complemented his basic tactical studies. 

While temporal mechanics was an option, it was still part of his Academy 
training, and Starfleet had made it a point to have everyone train- no matter 
how small that may have been- for the possibility of any occurrence. Anthony 
could only thank silently for whomever insisted they get this training for now 
it became an invaluable resource for collective calmness, and to proceed 
looking up the temporal regulations.

Temporal regulations were set up by the Federation Department of Temporal 
Investigations. Upon looking at it?s data, Anthony wasn?t too please with what 
it had to say. Not too please wasn?t the better word for it, just out right 
angry was a better description. Though he swallowed it and looked upon it. 

Apparently when a ship or a person has traveled either in the past or the 
future, the risk of being discovered was not to be an option unless otherwise 
necessary. Which altogether meant that circumstance had to stick a poor time 
traveler between a rock and hard place. It also mentioned that no contact was 
to be allowed for the time continuum may be disrupted and history would could 
temporal anomalies that could prove disastrous. 

Anthony understood that these were the fundamental rules of temporal 
displacement, but he wanted to know if there had been any options of how to get 
back in time. The FDTI had covered the fact that if a ship traveled around a 
sun- a Feynman?s curve- and thus landed in a different time period; it could go 
back. There were exceptions that if they ship and it?s crew had disrupted the 
time period, the curve would collapse and the crew would be stuck at their new 
time zone. But if the crew and their ship made no such disruption, retracing 
their Feynman?s curve would not be a problem since their subatomic chronometric 
particles would be in-synch with their original subatomic chronometric 
radiation in their universe- which in terms meant that they would belong back 
into their time. 

This was already giving a headache to Anthony. 

But the crew of the Avalon had gone through a region of space that was 
significantly distorted by time, and going through it had place the entire crew 
in-synch with the current universe they were in. Which meant that going back- 
they would have to re trace their Feynman?s curve. Unfortunately, they hadn?t 
established a Feynman?s curve- which also meant that attempting one would cause 
errors. Establishing such a curve would then be a matter of not physics- but 
philosophy: which also meant that it was just uncertain that they would enter 
into their correct time frame. 

Anthony read further, making a run around the sun not only cause the temporal 
slingshot to go out of whack, but since their first establishment would be 
through the rift, going back into time further from their original start point/ 
end point would only mean that they were deeper in temporal displacement. 

If they couldn?t get to the past- or their current- Federation Temporal 
Regulations were clear- it was to be their new home. Anthony shuddered at that 
having no desire to be in a place where there was five hundred years of 
catching up to do. 

The regulations ended it at that. Stating that the only possible way to get 
back was to have access to either advance technology, or to have a means to get 
back on their own without disrupting the timeline. And that had only been the 
introduction- he didn?t bother looking any further. It bit either way since the 
rift had closed, their line- as it were- cut and until so ordered, the ship was 
maintaining a distance from any ship that had passed by. So far there were 
none. It was strange considering that he expected at least a few ships would 
have passed by- but not so much as that aside from spatial dust. 

Closing his eyes and breathing out as the light had seem to irritate his 
retinas, "Lt. Manson?"

He opened his eyes and saw a young human ensign looking at him. "Yes?"

She looked at him, "these are the latest reports from several other departments 
including the power regulations and consumption reports since the 
fluctuations." She placed the PADD on his console.

He gave a small smile, "thank you, ensign." She walked away. This particular 
person he wasn?t familiar with. Laura usually came around with the updates, but 
he figured she may have had some other assignments to get done. 

Five hundred years, and time was still on their side and at the same time- no 
even there. 

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  • » <USS Avalon> Temporal Rules by Lieutenant JG Anthony Manson