<USS Avalon> Opinions and Options

  • From: Rowanna Darkwolf <rowannadarkwolf@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: avalon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 20 May 2010 00:20:37 -0700 (PDT)

 *takes place during "Somebody to Love"
Opinions and Options
by "Niq" and Adrian Jackson Phillips, with a brief appearance by Sophia Duarte
Dominiq watched the goings on silently, his heart filled with sorrow and anger 
as well. There had been promises made on the ground. Promises of protection, 
security, caring. Now, though, when they trusted, foolishly believing in the 
words that had been spoken, they were to be sent away again. This one believed 
she'd found an answer. Clearly, she hadn't understood the question.
He focussed on suppressing the anger, both within himself and the others as 
well as he and Giani ushered the others into the resting area, away from Tiata 
and Moreya. He tried to explain how Moreya believed she was working in their 
best interest, ignoring the question of whether or not he agreed with ehr 
determination. He tried to make them understand how this could be positive for 
them. He worked to reduce the pain they felt at their rejection. He worked to 
remain centered and calm and in control.
But he was failing. He could feel the control slipping. Something had to be 
She was so lost, this one. She spoke of caring about them without really 
understanding them. Of keeping them with her, even as she determined to send 
them away. She stood there, talking to Tiata as if they truly understood each 
other, but they didn't. That was obvious, and he reigned in more tightly, 
struggling to keep Tiata's surging emotions in check, and the abilities that so 
often went with them.
This wouldn't do, he knew. This wouldn't do at all. 
Reaching out, he touched the familiar mind of the one who'd seemed in charge on 
the planet below. Quickly, he showed him the scene before him. ~Will you come?~ 
he asked as Tiata continued to tirade. ~I am uncertain how much longer I can 
contain things on my own.~ 

Adrian's eyes snapped open while his fingers gripped around his knife. It took 
him a few moments to realize the voice was inside his head, rather then someone 
on top of him. He rose slowly and thought about how to answer the question, 
then thought it. Where are you?

~Moreya's quarters, ~Niq replied simply.

I'll be there soon. Adrian thought to himself as he removed the wiring and 
cables from his body. His teammates were sound asleep, even a bit of snoring 
going on. Adrian donned his phaser pistol and slid the knife back into it's 
holster before making his way, all be it a bit slowly, to Moreya's quarters. 

Upon arrival he paused for a second to focus himself before knocking away. 
Adrian assumed that the kids would feel him there, and would explain a bit 
better what the problem was, and why he was still 'containing' things. 

Listening to the shouting a moment longer, Niq turned toward Luca and shrugged. 
Luca nodded, then opened his hand allowing an orb to open to the hallway, 
through which Niq quickly stepped. ~I suspect this conflict may continue long 
after the shouting has stopped.~ 

"But who is conflicting?" Adrian asked as he addressed the young man in front 
of him. Niq looked dreadful, like he hadn't slept in days, and that things were 
only getting worse and worse. He looked in through the portal to spot the other 
children and motioned to them. "Lets take them to my quarters. At least there 
they will have some peace and quiet, and we can talk about whats happened 

~Our ideals, perhaps, ~ Niq answered quietly, even as he gestured for the 
others to remain. They needed to lay down and rest. Hopefully Giani would see 
to that while Niq tried to sort this out somehow. He attempted to explain. ~It 
seems that it has been determined that we are to be sent to the relative of our 
current benefactor. For our own good. The young ones are somewhat displeased by 
this decision.~ He considered it carefully before continuing. ~I am uncertain 
of my own feelings on the matter. Nor am I certain how to ascertain whether or 
not they are correct. It does not seem relevent whether or not we agree, either 
way. It appears that our consent is not required for this decision.~ 

A look of shock came across Adrian's face and he shook his head. "Well hell if 
that'll happen. I know exactly what will happen if we send you kids anywhere 
except on this ship, and that's right back to Taggert." He put two fingers to 
his forehead to think for a moment and then looked back. "Alright, how many of 
you are there, and who adult-wise is in there now?" 
~This one has our best interest at heart, or so she believes. She feels we are 
unsafe here aboard and that she can protect us better from Admiral Taggert if 
we go where she would send us.~ Niq sighed. ~Perhaps she is right.  She is here 
in discourse with the others, most specifically Tiata but the others remain 
attentive to her as well. Two others will be here shortly. I assume that they 
will determine our fate. ~
 "Well, I don't know what Morerya knows about Admiral Taggert, but I doubt 
you'll be safe anywhere else but here. As far as I'm concerned, your staying 
onboard this ship, even if that means I'm adopting you kids." Adrian spoke and 
then thought about his words. He never wanted to have kids, too much of a 
liability. But these kids were different, and no one should be treated like an 
experiment... no one. "How many of you are there again?" He asked, leaning 
against the wall for a moment to put the pressure off of his legs. 

~Six now if we include myself. Two more to be born soon.~ Niq answered, eyeing 
Adrian critically. ~You should be resting now. I apologize, sir. I should not 
have disturbed you.~

Adrian shook his head vigorously as he got back onto his feet again. "Nonsense 
boy. I've been through plenty worse and had to keep fighting people. Talking 
stuff out is a piece of cake in comparison!" He said with a smile as he 
motioned back to the portal. "I imagine I should go in there and see if I can't 
talk any sense into her, shouldn't I?" 
Niq shook his head. ~I think perhaps it might be better to let things calm down 
before approaching her about it. I cannot swear I can contain the others should 
things become any more volatile.~

"Just take them to another room. I'll deal with this, don't worry about it. If 
anything, we'll have T'Leara come. She seems to have some sort of knack for 
controlling abilities or something, doesn't she?" Adrian asked the boy, still 
wanting to get in there and calm down all of this out of control unneeded anger 
and frustration. 

~She does, but I suspect she would view such an entrance as intrusion. It would 
not serve to calm things down. Quite the opposite, I'm certain. It would, 
perhaps, be more advisable to schedule a discussion with her and broach it 
there if indeed you think you can or should change her mind. She seems to be 
quite certain of her decision, though.~ he quirked a brow as he added, ~certain 
enough to send us away...but not to join us. I believe this is what upsets the 
young ones so greatly. It does seem to be the crux of the conflict. ~
Adrian pondered for a moment, laying out the decisions before him as he thought 
about the options available to them. "Do the young ones trust her? Do they 
trust me?" 

~They want to trust her. She hid them from Taggert. She assure their safety 
from him when he came to find them.~ Considering the second part of the 
question, Niq answered simply, ~ They want to trust you.  They followed you 
here. They remained where you bid us stay.  Their desire is to remain here with 
you. And with her.~ 

How interesting... Adrian thought to himself. He knew, at least for the time 
being, that the answer wasn't going to come immediately. Ketchum wasn't the 
kind of Commander to just go ahead and make a decision on a whim. He planned 
more than that. Time was the only thing Adrian had going for him right now. 
"Well then. If you would let the good Admiral know that I'd like to speak with 
him on this matter once he's done with the Lt, that would be great. In the 
meantime, I need to plan and also check on my officers, one of whom is probably 
still snoring." He grinned at Niq, though the boy might not even know what 
snoring was. 

 ~I do not believe the intention is for us to speak with him~ Niq answered 
honestly. ~It would seem that she is to be our voice on the matter. We are, 
after all, only children. It appears it does not fall to us to make such 
decisions. We are to be resting...sleeping...when he arrives. ~ 

"And I'm sure all of you will be doing that. So do what your doing now, and 
simply let him know, in his mind, that Major Phillips has a different opinion 
on the matter." Adrian said calmly and with a smile. 

Niq inclined his head, ~Are you certain that the Admiral would welcome such 
Before Adrian could answer, Duarte tore around the corner. "There you are! What 
the hell are you doing out here?" Reaching out, she took him by the arm. 
"Freakin' men. You can't trust them to take care of themselves." Hauling him to 
his feet, she wheeled on Niq. "And where are you supposed to be?"
Niq indicated the hole sheepishly.
"Then shouldn't you get back there? Now?!" She pushed, "You're both supposed to 
be resting right now, right?"
Niq gave one quick, curt nod and moved swiftly back through the hole, which 
closed immediately behind him. 
"Now...you...what'm I gonna have to do? Sit on you?" Duarte demanded as she 
half dragged him back toward sickbay.
Adrian grinned. "Well now, coming from somebody like you that ain't so bad. If 
Chap had offered that I think I would decline it off the bat." He replied as he 
followed Duarte back towards sickbay. "Moreya wants to take the kids offship. 
Leave 'em with her folks or something like that." He said, slightly more 
seriously so as to fill in her. He'd left his officers out of loop for too much 
this mission, he didn't like it. 

 Sophia laughed. "If Chap offered, I might play have to consider staying 
there.  He's kinda cute." She winked and watched for his reaction. At his 
comments regarding the kids, she raised a brow. "What the hell? Why?"
"Of course Chap's cute. What, you think I pick ugly officers?" Adrian winked 
back as they entered the turbolift. "Apparently Moreya thinks they'll be safer 
there or something. Probably better cared after. I think as soon as they are 
off this ship Taggert will have them before we jump to warp." He shrugged for a 

 "I think it's freakin' ridiculous to think they'll be safe anywhere, but at 
least we're familiar enough with the challenges to know what to watch for." 
Sophia agreed. "And what's her interest in all this? It's not like they're hers 
or anything. Why's she involved at all?"
 Adrian shook his head. "No clue for that answer. I guess she's taken on the 
'motherly' type and feels that she must have a solution for them." He stopped 
as he stood in front of sickbay. "I don't really know, but I'm going to see how 
Chap and KC are doing before anything else. How's the rest of the team doing?" 
"KC's already been released, and the rest of us are all fine enough. Chap and 
you are the only ones still in need of help. Note that you were on that 
list..." Sophia nudged him toward the sickbay doors. "And motherly types don't 
usually last long against people like Taggert."

"True enough." Adrian nodded as he paused one last time before going through 
the doors. "Don't work too hard now, thats an order." He said with a smile and 
wince before entering into sickbay. 

"I don't work hard, I hardly work. Remember?" Duarte smiled, escorting him in. 
"I'll be back before lights out. See to it you're still here, okay? I'll see 
you soon." Turning to the nurse, she ordered, "Sedate him if you have to, but 
keep him in that darned bed!" Then waved and left before Adrian's protests 
could begin in earnest. 


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  • » <USS Avalon> Opinions and Options - Rowanna Darkwolf