<USS Avalon> Off We Go Into The Wild Blue Yonder

  • From: CptKetchum@xxxxxxx
  • To: avalon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2005 06:30:06 EST

Off We Go Into The Wild Blue Yonder
By Captain Keith Ketchum, Lieutenant Commander Anthony Manson and Senior 
Lieutenant Elissabeth Marksbury

Once he materialized on the ship, he entered the turbolift and made his way 
to the Bridge. Upon arriving, he found that Skyler was not in the center seat, 
rather Mr. Manson was sitting there.

"Commander Manson, where is Commander Skyler?"

Standing to allow the Captain the seat, "It would appear that the Commander 
had fainted in her quarters and is currently in Sickbay."

"I see", concerned, "Well, Mr. Manson, it would appear that your tenure as 
Acting Second Officer is up, and you are to now be the Acting Execurive 
until Skyler returns to duty. Contact Ms. Marksbury and meet me in the 
Conference Room in ten minutes."

Keith walked towards the conference room, making notes on a PADD that he was 

Anthony tapped on his combadge, "Lieutenant Marksbury, the captain would like 
to see you in the Conference Room right away." Turning to see Alder, he 
gestured for the man to look over things for a few moments.

"I'll be right there, Lieutenant." Standing from her desk, she immediately 
made her way to the bridge.

Taking a seat at the head of the table, Keith waited for Anthony and 
Elissabeth to arrive.

Finally the door opened and they walked in together. "I suppose you're 
wondering why I asked you here, Ms. Marksbury."

"The thought had crossed my mind, Sir."

"Well, as you may or may not know, Mr. Manson was going to be my acting 
second officer, but with what I heard that Commander Skyler had fallen ill, I 
made him Acting Executive Officer until her return, so I need you to be my 
Acting Second Officer until such time as either Commander Skyler is better or 
Commander Sierra returns. Do you accept, Lieutenant?"

"Absolutely, Captain."

"Very good, now, onto our mission. We have been asked to search out and 
retrieve a Romulan scientist that has entered Federation space and since has 
taken captive by some Ferengi." He laid out what he was told by the Commodore.

"Mr. Manson, if you would order the ship to the last known coordinates of the 
Romulan and Ferengi ships. Dismissed. Ms. Marksbury, a moment."

Keith waited for Anthony to leave, and once the door closed he continued, "It 
seems that command would like to determine why the Romulan scientist was in 
Federation space, and thusly captured by the Ferengi. And possibly anything 
that they were working on."

"What is it you would like for me to do, Sir?"

Keith detailed the plan with Elissabeth as best as he could, leaving the 
finer details to her on what needed to be done once they got there, since he 
himself didn't know what to expect. "You will come to me with any information 
you find, you have my authorization to use any department available, including 
Medical, Forensics, or Science, as necessary."

"Are you...asking me to coordinate this mission?" she asked with a measure of 
surprise. It sure sounded that way, but she wanted to be exactly clear on her 
role in everything to avoid any miscommunication.

"Actually, I am asking you to run a covert side of the mission. Everything 
else appears to be diplomatic with regards to the Ferengi and the Romulans, but 
I've been authorized to try to find out what the Romulan Scientist was working 
on," he smiled, "since they will be under our protection, but it will need to 
be 'off the record' so to speak."

"Understood, Sir. Am I to report to anyone besides you?"

"Me only. Now let's get to work and see if Mr. Manson has gotten this ready 
to get underway." Together they walked out onto the bridge.

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  • » <USS Avalon> Off We Go Into The Wild Blue Yonder