<USS Avalon> Log=The Painting

  • From: angelserene@xxxxxxxx
  • To: avalon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 19:22:09 GMT

The Painting
by: Ensign Caine Reilly McKinsely

Caine sighed heavily and pushed a few stray strands of her away from her face.  
She leaned her elbows on the desk and rested her head in her hands.  She was 
getting a headache, she always got headaches, she thought it might be from how 
much she had gotten hit in the head over the years, but she wasn?t completely 
sure and didn?t want to go to the doctors to find out.  

Leaning back in her chair, she took her hair out of the ponytail she had put it 
in, and ran her fingers through it, massaging her head in the process.  She 
didn?t know why she was so stressed right now.  Her sessions were going great, 
Hannah was making some great improvement, she was still in her fantasy world, 
but luckily, Caine and Jeffreyi were pulling her out of her shell little by 
little.  In fact, today, she had actually answered to her real name.  Caine saw 
it as a huge step towards recovery and Jeffreyi was all too happy with it.  

Caine stood and went to the replicator and asked for one of her favorite 
drinks, Blackberry Herbal Tea.  Moving back behind her desk she looked at the 
screen there, at the smiling face of her wacky cousin Nicole.  She had just 
recently been promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade on the USS Halcyon and was 
now headed out on a secret mission, one that she was very excited about, not 
that it took much to excite Nicole, that was just the kind of girl she was.  
Nicole and Caine were very close, even though they had grown up on completely 
different continents and Nicole?s family was considered to be weird and 
eccentric, there had always been a connection between them.  Nicole was the 
only one who really knew about what the Baron had done to Caine, she was the 
one person Caine confided in and the one person who had stuck up for Caine and 
supported her through it all.

Sighing, she set her mug down and ran her hands over her face once more.  She 
was really feeling the effects of her lack of sleep and nutrition.  Caine knew 
she needed to sleep more, but every time she laid down in bed to rest, she felt 
wide awake and couldn?t sleep.  

She looked over at the time and saw it was already getting late.  It was way 
past her dinner time, but then she wasn?t really eating much dinner anyways, so 
what did it matter?  Stretching one more time, she grabbed a few of her work 
PADDs and headed to her quarters, figuring she could get some work done there.

The walk back was uneventful and the corridors were quite empty, so Caine did 
not have anyone to stop and talk to.  Finally getting back to her rooms, she 
changed into a pair of comfortable pants and a comfortable tank top.  She 
kicked off her shoes and put some music on.  The soulful voice of Kyla 
Sarrasia, a girl who Caine had also grown up with, who had now become a bit of 
a famous singer.  

Caine swayed her body to the beat of the music as she moved over to the room 
that had all of Caine?s painting supplies.  She looked at the painting that was 
currently on her easel; she didn?t want to work anymore on that one, so she put 
it down and picked up a black canvas.  She began to take out some paints and 
some of her brushes.  Putting on her apron that had was covered in dried paint 
from previous paintings, she prepared to paint.  The music played loudly in the 
background and Caine sang to the song as she began to cover the canvas is some 
of the most amazing colors ever, letting her mood and the music control her 

?I?m not the sort of person who falls in and quickly out of love, but to you I 
gave my affection right from the start.  I have a lover who loves me, how could 
I break such a heart, yet still you gave my attention.  Why do you come here 
when you know I?ve got troubles and all?? her voice didn?t sound too bad.  
Though Caine had never taken singing lessons, she sounded pretty good when she 

Caine was lost in the music, painting and her own thoughts, forgetting the 
outside world and trying to forget Javan, but she just couldn?t seem to.  No 
matter what she was doing or who she was with, he seemed to always find a way 
to sneak back into her mind.  Half way through the song, Caine suddenly stopped 
singing and looked at her painting.  She hadn?t realized what she had been 
painting.  There, in front of her, was an almost exact likeness of Javan.  The 
eyes were the same dark, sultry eyes and the mouth was the same sensual mouth.  
Caine put her paint brush down and continued to stare at the painting.  She 
hadn?t meant to paint Javan; she hadn?t even realized she had been thinking 
about him.  A blush heated her cheeks; it was a very telling sign that she had 
feelings for him.  Of course, she had already realized this, but she knew now 
that there probably wasn?t anything she could do.  She had her past and one 
dream rule her actions.  

Caine felt herself falling deeper into her bought depression.  She set all her 
paints down and cleaned her brushes, walking into her bedroom, she didn?t 
bother with pajamas, and instead she climbed into the bed as she was.  Laying 
there she began to feel even worse.  What kind of a counselor could she be, if 
she was fighting off a depression and struggling with her past?  Caine had been 
attributing it to being in a new place and new situation, but she was no longer 
sure.  In fact, she felt completely unsure of all the things around her, she 
didn?t know what to do and she didn?t really have anyone to talk to about.  She 
had the feeling that the old counselor, the new doctor, might not really like 
her all that much and she knew for a fact that Commander Skyler didn?t like 
her.  There were rumors going around the ship of Javan and her relationship, 
according to everyone, she was just another notch on his belt.  

Closing her eyes, she tried to stop the thoughts that she didn?t want there.  
She just wanted sleep, one full night of sleep, with no nightmares, just sweet, 
peaceful dreams.  Caine fell into a deep sleep, with thoughts of Javan and her 
painting in her mind.  

(Just to let you all know, the song that Caine was singing is a real song, it?s 
called ?Weakness In Me? and it?s by Joan Armatrading.  Just thought I should 
put a little disclaimer there for you all)

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