<USS Avalon> Lancelot's Knights

  • From: TKilyle@xxxxxxx
  • To: avalon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2006 07:13:43 EST

Two thoughts struck Ming at once after hearing the announcement to abandon  
ship: his wife and the rest of his family.  He'd been in their cabin with  his 
father-in-law and his bright blue eyes stared at the older man.
"Let's go, son," Nalas said.  He was not strictly a military man, only  an 
old resistance fighter, but that experience taught him many things.   "We'll 
catch up with Vilya at the shuttle."
Ming nodded sharply and grabbed the  satchel he usually used to carry  his 
books and study materials.  He began cramming it with anything he'd  need for 
the baby.  He had no idea if they'd be able to return for 'things'  but it 
didn't matter.  He didn't really need anything material.   Except this, he 
mused as 
he picked up his ancient Bible and carefully placed it  among Zachan's things.
"That's it, I think," he finally said.
Nalas had been holding his beloved grandson, wrapped in the blanket Vilya  
made for him.  He shook his head and nodded toward the baby's  sleeper.  "He 
needs them, too, Ming."
"Yeah," Ming said with a sober chuckle.  He stuffed the pink elephant  and 
the teddy bear into the satchel.  "My boy needs his first gifts from  his Aunt 
"Exactly.  Now, let's go."

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