<USS Avalon> "In Need Of Patience"

  • From: CmdrSkyler@xxxxxxx
  • To: avalon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 19:14:15 EST

"In Need Of Patience"
Cmdr Skyler and Georgia Lewis
Sitting in the back of the runabout, Georgia watched as Skyler paced back  
and forth. She could see the tension in her muscles. The last time she had seen 
her friend this wound up had been the last time they had to abandon the  ship.
Skyler felt like she had the weight of the galaxy on her shoulders. She  
didn't know where the crew was, who was still on the Avalon, and the other  
shuttles had yet to respond to the request for a head count. She desperately  
to know what was going on. She needed to know how and where her sister  was. 
They had just started to build a relationship and were starting to get  
comfortable with each other and Skyler didn't want to lose that.
Walking up to the front of the runabout, Georgia put her arm around Skyler.  
"Miss Skyler, yous has gots to stop pacing around like dis. You ain't doin  
nobody a lick of good. Is no yous is worried about Miss Melanie and such, but  
yous has to try and relax. Yous is not doin anyone any good by workin yourself  
all up."
Looking at Georgia, Skyler knew she was right. She wasn't helping the  
situation and there really wasn't anything she could do, other than go back  
the Avalon and search for her sister. Somehow she didn't think the  captain 
would go for that.
"I know Georgia, I know. I just can't help myself. I don't want to lose her  
all over again. Things were kinda starting to fall into place. I don't know 
what  I would do if something happened to her. Not to mention her baby." 
Georgia looked at Skyler and could see tears filling her eyes. She put her  
arm around her friend and held her tight. "Everythins gonna be jest fine. Miss  
Melanie is a strong woman and a good mother. She will get out jest fine.  
Yous just has to have some patience. Sumthin I know you don't have much  of."
Skyler looked at Georgia and chuckled. "Ole' woman you know me too well. I  
am glad that you are still around and in my life. Sometimes I think I would be  
lost without you."
"You'd be jest fine Miss Skyler. Yous jest has to give yourself more  
confidence. Yous made it this far, I has no doubt yous will keep going." 
hugged Skyler one last time and then returned to her seat. Skyler on the other  
hand continued her pacing. She wouldn't be satisfied until she heard from her  
sister and the rest of the crew.

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