<USS Avalon> "Home Again"

  • From: KARGSuvwltaj@xxxxxxx
  • To: avalon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 17:44:34 EDT

OCC: I'm still trying to catch up to the stories that I wrote for shore leave 
and this is PART 2 of that. The real world has been hell lately, last week I 
worked 51 hours and this is my first day off is quite a while. I'm trying.

Home Again

Local transport has dropped Nerys and Karg at the front gate of his parents’ 
Estancia and the far Eastern edge of what is still referred to as the "Navajo 
Reservation". The couple's presence is immediately noticed by the family pet 
so that Nerys asks, "What is that noise?"
Karg has a big smile. "I didn't think that he would still be alive. CODY, 

An ancient, black and white, English Springer Spaniel makes his way, as best 
he can, down the long driveway cut neatly among the piñon pines. Seeing Karg, 
he sniffs the air a little and immediately starts the characteristic springing 
to get to Karg face. Kneeling, Karg gladly accepts the greeting of the happy 
dog who proceeds to lick every centimeter of exposed skin that he can reach in 
a doggy example of happy bonding. People who don't own dogs may think this 
extended licking is unpleasant but this bonding can be a strong emotion. Nerys 
asks, "Are you actually enjoying that?"
"Oh, yes, every second of it." Karg hugs the dog by placing his right arm 
around the dog's neck. Cody's tail is still wagging furiously. Looking from the 
dog to Nerys he says, "Listen, there were times in my life when I felt this guy 
was my only friend. I love him as much as my brother, maybe more." Cody 
gladly accepts a kiss on the head, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth 
a big, doggy smile.

Standing Karg motions toward the house and the old dog proceeds them up the 
drive to stop every few paces to turn and bark for them to hurry. Sara, 
mother, has come out of the house. She has assumed that another animal of some 
kind has gotten into the yard. "Goodness, Cody, why are you so excited? Did 
you finally catch that old Jack Rabbit?"

Soon, Sara can see the cause of all the commotion. Running with her arms 
outstretched, she hugs Karg and kisses his entire face. It has been a long time 
since she has seen her youngest.
When Sara can finally bear to separate herself from her son's embrace, she 
notices Col. Kira and Karg says, Mother, this is Nerys. She will soon be your 
Kissing her, Sara says, "Welcome Nerys. I am Sara. I hope that you will feel 
that this is your home too."
"I know that I will."
"Come, I have much to tell you about my son."
Hearing this, Karg is sure that he is in trouble. "Hey, wait . . . MOM . . . 
no fair!"

In a few moments, Karg’s father, K’Ehloch exits the house to greet his son. 
They touch foreheads in the Klingon fashion. Immediately, the old man notices 
a change in Karg’s uniform, "So, its Lt. Comdr. Now is it?"
Karg has a broad grin, "Yes sir."
"But that is not why you are here?"
"No sir. Nerys and I are to be married . . . in two days."

From across the valley, K’Ehloch’s laughter can be heard clearly, followed 
by, "Excellent!"

Lt. Commander Karg
Chief Tactical & Chief Covert OPS Officer
USS Avalon

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