<USS Avalon> Found at last...

  • From: scurrdi@xxxxxxx
  • To: avalon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 02 Mar 2009 18:42:58 -0500

Duarte studied the scans closely, blinking and shaking her head. "Sir...we've 
got signals all over the place...sort of."


Chapman approached the shuttle pilot and peered over her shoulder. "What do you 
mean 'sort of'? Do we have them or not?"


"Well," Duarte answered. "I've got com signals but only two
biosigns here." She indicated the position. "I've got transponder
signal but no bio signs here," again she indicated the area," And I got
blips that seem like they'd be the shuttle, but they keep disappearing.
See...there it went again. There. Not enough to pinpoint it, though.
Just a general area it shows up in, here," she pointed the area on the
grid. "The shuttle didn't have cloaking capabilities though, did it?"


"Not according to the specs," Chapman answered, frowning. "Sir?" he turned to 
Phillips. "You might want to check this out." 


Adrian looked over their shoulders and took a look. "Well let’s
think about this for a few moments here. They came down in escape pods
but who knows if they decided to stay there, maybe something forced
them off. Duarte, pull up the topography of the area surrounding that
empty blip and take us in that direction. Mark the location of both the
other blips from the shuttle though, were going there next." He said
after a moment. 


Duarte found the crashdown site where what was left of the
dismantled pods remained. "I can land us there, sir," she said,
indicating a nearby clearing.


He nodded. "Go ahead. Marines, suit up and prepare to move out, and be very, 
very aware of whats going on." 


As the shuttle glided into it's landing spot, the back hatch
opened and the marines piled out, securing the area surrounding the
shuttle crash as they searched for any signs of the survivors. 


Adrian looked around the rubble of the crash site. "They were here for a bit, 
but not too long."


Chapman checked around, and nodded. "Looks like they lost at least
a couple. Lot of blood." He pointed to the ground to show them where it
seemed to be.


"Most likely why they moved on, weren't safe here." Adrian tapped his 


"Duarte, get a loadout of the typography of the surrounding area.
Any place that looks like a refuge, be a cave or something similar, let
me know when you find it. Everyone else, see if you spot any tracks
heading out, but keep your eyes peeled and sharp."


"yes, sir," she answered automatically as she began hunting for possible refuge.


"Looks like they dragged the Pod sheeting here, sir. Off in this direction," 
Jorgens said, pointing to the fading tracks. 


"Twenty clicks due east, sir," Duarte chimed in. "About three ours march. No 
place to land." 


Adrian looked in the direction Jorgens was pointing and noticed
that they matched up. "Alright, Smith and Channdler, you’re with the
shuttle. Duarte, follow 
us above while we move out and keep the scans
going. We may need to evac some people and use the shuttle as our
buffer point to Avalon. Everyone else, march column and lets move out!"

Adrian said, motioning for Jorgens to take point.


Chapman took flank behind Rhodes and Carlisle, keeping his eyes
peeled and his weapon ready. Whatever had killed the crewmen at the
landing site, it hadn't been pretty. No way he was going to let it
catch up to them unaware. 


A half-hour into the march an odd sensation came over Jorgen' s as
he started to step into the shade. His foot turned seemingly of it's
own accord back to the well-lit path. A cacophony of young voices
filled the heads of the marching marines. "Hurry...faster...you need to
move faster...they need you...stay out of the shadows. Stay to the
sunlight, but hurry." 


At the sound of the voices Adrian raised his hand for a called
stop and then dropped it to the ground as he and the squad dropped low
to the ground. "Anyone else hear that?" He whispered into the headset
as he tried to figure out what it was. 


A quiet but concerned chorus of affirmatives responded. None seemed happy with 
the in their heads.


"Trying to flush us out, maybe?" Carlisle suggested. 


"Lights on." Adrian said simply after listening for a few moments. This is just 
as weird as anything else... This is against everything in military training 
about telepathy. "Stay out=2
0of the shadows. Get ready to move out." He waited, seeing what sorts of 
reactions he was going to get from his team.


Jorgans and Rhodes both seemed to balk at that at first as if
reluctant to comply, but didn't argue. Carlisle glanced at him
quizzically, but her expression showed no real doubt as she complied as
well. Chapman simply followed orders and reset quickly, before any
potential predators could close in. 


"Duarte, keep the most active scan you can, I don't want anything
going near us. Also, for the record," He took a deep breathe before
continuing. "Were hearing voices in our heads. Move out marines, at the
double, and stay in the light!" Dear Lord, please let this be right.


"um..I'm sorry , sir...I thought I heard you say you were hearing
voices..."Duarte said nervously. "Should I send a med-evac team?"


"No." He said flatly as they moved at a decent click, Adrian now
taking point to show to his team his faith in what they were doing.
"Just for the record, but keep the med-evac team standing by, we might
be needing them real soon." 


"Yes, sir," she replied sounding unconvinced but unwilling to argue.


The tree four feet ahead seemed to glow ever so slightly and the
voices returned whispering, "Turn there...to the left...hurry...hurry."


Dear Lord, give me strength... Without even pondering for
more then a second, Adrian followed the directions of those given to
him, keeping up th
e pace as best he could without compromising their
vigil. I swear, if she's wrong about them…


Jorgens seemed to slow a bit, only to be prodded on by Carlisle. "You heard 
them," she said flatly. "Left ahead." 


He looked back and paused for a moment, and decided to deal with
it later. Survivors already had several casualities, this can't be
good. "Keep moving." He said simply.


"Yes, sir," Chapman said, nudging the others along. 


"Almost there," the voices insisted. "the cave...ahead...they're in 


As the crested a small hill Adrian spotted the hill on the bottom
of what looked like a small mountain. A clearing was before them,
mostly of chopped wood and lots of recent activity. 


"Chapman, get the men to secure a perimeter around the cave." He
said quickly as the others came into view. "Carlisle, Jorgens, your
with me. Duarte, locate the position of the other two bio-signs,
otherwise be ready for teleport evac to relay to Avalon. Move out." 


Adrian moved up to the cave with the two marines in tow, rifle
raised as they moved up. "Watch everything, stay in the light." He said
as he double checked his rifle light was on, the adrenline now pumping.
Here comes the moment of truth.


Chapman tapped Rhodes and they, along with the others on the team
secured the perimeter quickly. Carlisle moved with assurance, willing
to follow wherever Adrian led. 


"How do we know it's not a trap," Jorgens asked quietly as he hurried alongside 


"We don't, thats why I'm going first." He said flatly to him,
turning to look back at the marine, wondering if there was any concern.
"Keep a loose following, that way if it is a trap, you'll know."


"Sir," Carlisle protested, "If it's a trap, you shouldn't be the first in. 
Request permission to go ahead, sir."


"She's right," Jorgens agreed, though his tone sounded less certain. "We should 
go first."


"If in normal cercumstances, maybe." He said, smiling at them through his gear. 


"However, since we are following voices in our heads, and I chose
to go against what we all know is standard marine protocol with
telepathy, I will take responsibility for any losses." Before he turned
back, he smiled again and put his fist to his chest. "Don't worry, I've
got a feeling we'll be ok."


Carlisle stayed close nonetheless. "Yes, sir. But I won't be far behind."


He didn't mind that, Carlisle had a fierce determination and a
good head and her shoulders. In they went, lights on and rifles at the
ready, nerves all fired up to boot.


"Oh, my god," Carlisle exhaled as she entered the cave and saw the
small band of perhaps a dozen people, most wounded so badly they could
hardly move.


None of it phased Phillips. He was too used to traps built from
wounded crewmembers. W
ith a quick and silent motion of his hand he
moved forward, he light dancing around the room, checking the walls for
other entrances and among the people for any species he did not
recognize. "Phillips to Chapman, wounded personnel found, stand ground
and kept vigil for external attack. Will confirm id soon." 


As Jorgens and Carlisle moved on either side and checked the walls
with their lights, Adrian looked for the most able person of the group.
"Who's still mobile and can speak? I need name, rank, and ID number
immediately please." He stated outloud.


"Xavier, Raven, Lieutenant, 828-9652c." a blue skinned woman with
flame red hair responded from somewhere near the back of the cave.


"Stand please lt." He said simply as he flashed his light in her
direction. "Duarte, cross reference 828-9652c against the manifest."
Adrian spoke into his comm as he scanned the room again. "How many
total are wounded, and how many are critical?"


"Twelve present, ten wounded, seven stable but serious three critical" she 
responded, standing as ordered.


"Comes up as Lieutenant Raven Xavier, humanoid, but with noted exceptions. Do 
you want full detail?" Duarte answered quickly.


"No, that'll do. Can you get a lock on anyone down here?" He said,
moving quickly. "Your confirmed lt. and its good to see some people are
still alive. Stand down Jorgens and Carlisle." He said to the two of
them as he moved forward. "Anyone who is still functio
ning please get
up, we need to know the critical immediately. Were from the USS
Avalon." He said, trying to calm any questioning for the moment. 


"Tran, Fielding, give him a hand sorting everyone out." she
ordered quietly, seemingly unwilling to step too far from where she
was. "We've got six unaccounted for. They lit out yesterday with all
our supplies. No idea where they are now." 


"I think we might have a fix on a couple of them, though we only
registered two signs." He said quietly as he moved over to her
position. "Jorgens and Carisle, get a reading on each one under
critical and give me an estimated time frame, priority are evaced


"Duarte, can you get a signal lock on any of them in here?" 


"Still can't get a read, sir. You'll need to bring them out." Duarte answered. 


Carlisle began taking readings at once while Jorgens, noting that
the group seemed well provisioned asked, "I thought you said they took
everything. Looks like you've got plenty here."


"We do now. We didn't when night fell. Don't ask me to explain."
Rae answered tiredly, still holding her position between Mac and Linc. 


"You'll have plenty of questions to answer later, trust me on
that. Jorgens, good eye." He said simply as he moved towards her. "See
if we can't get any of the critical out of here safely, if not lets
figure out what we need and move quick. Chapman, whats your status?" 

"Whats the situation here?" Adrian said as he arrived near here,
looking at the two men on the ground. "Or rather, what on earth


"Awaiting your orders, sir," Chapman answered from the mouth of the cave, with 
Rhodes close beside him. 


"we landed with 24 people. The creatures have been taking us out
two or three a night since. Last night six went awol with our
provisions. The creatures attacked. We held our ground. Doc was
wounded. Mac got in the way before the creature could take him out
completely. Then...I don't know, honestly. It's like everything
stopped. Next I know, we've got lights...we've got fresh
fires...supplies...and the creatures are gone." 


"Chapman, leave one on security duty and everyone else get in to
get the critical evaced, with have a positive ID. Co-ordinate with
Duarte to get them out of here." He looked back over his shoulder to
Carlisle. "You've got them sorted?" 


Turning back as he did his best to multi-task, he bent over and
scanned the doctor and the one she called 'mac.' "Your fond of them,
and they're in bad shape. How Mac seems to have survived is beyond me."
He pulled out his emergency pack and moved to put it into Mac. 


"Yes, sir," Carlisle answered. "The one next to her really needs
to go first, along with the Deltan female there, and the Andorian in
the back. The rest are bad off but not as bad as them." 


"Patrick McEntire is a=2
0stubborn shit, that's how," Rae answered,
her voice thick with emotion. "And yeah...I'm fond of him. Anyone ever
been lucky enough to have him at their back is. He's good people." 


Deltan, hormones... He thought to himself quietly...
"Carlisle, help get the deltan outa here with Rhodes' help. Jorgens,
get moving with the Andorian. Let me see what I can do with Mac here."
He said as he sat down and dropped the needle into him. "This is a
combination of an adrenline and morphine shot, it'll bring him to and
numb the pain a bit. I need him conscious to move him, otherwise we've
got no chance." He moved into position so Mac would see him when he
comes to. "I'll need you as well, otherwise he won't listen to a
stranger. Then help get the others moving." Adrian said simply to the
lt, not caring if she thought to question his orders or not. 


Rae nodded, knowing he was right, as the others around him jumped to follow his 


Mac gasped, his eyes fluttering open. Groaning softly, he looked
around slowly, forcing himself to breathe. Spotting first the stranger
- the marine, he corrected - then Rae he forced exhaled slowly then
said with a smirk, his eyes twinkling despite the pain, his voice a
ragged whisper. "'bout damn time."


"Yeah, well, you know these rescue types." Rae quipped back softly. "gotta make 
an entrance."


Mac nodded. "So long as they get here." He gestured weakly toward the other 
wounded. "Deltan
 and Andorian. They go first." 


"They are already being taken care of, and so are you. I'm going
to move you, and its going to hurt. As soon as I've got you clear of
this cave you will be transported to a medical facility and they'll
take of you. It's imperative that you remain conscious, clear."
Adrian's orders were quick, he knew he didn't have much time. 


Mac frowned. "Linc..and the others...you need to..." he blinked slowly, trying 
to clear the fog. 


"We got'em," Rae insisted. "Do as the man says."


Mac nodded and made to stand, gasping when the pain hit hard. "Shit," he 
muttered through gritted teeth. 


"Breathe," Rae whispered, nodding to the Marine as she moved to support Mac on 
the left. 


Adrian shouldered his weapon and properly positioned himself to
grab hold of the man. "1... 2..." And before getting past two he had
hoisted the man up, trying his best to avoid any particular wounds.
Without really thinking about the strain and avoiding any groans or
motions of pain from Mac, Adrian moved towards the exit. "Keep with me
Mac, keep with me..." He said as their joint momentum moved them
towards the exit among the commotion around them. 


Mac struggled to breathe as the pain increased, fighting against
the encroaching darkness that threatened to swallow him once again. 


Rae shouldered his weight easily but swore to see the bleeding
start again in earnest. "Han
g on, Mac. Don't you pass out on me..." 


They burst out into the sunlight as Adrian pressed his commbadge
onto Mac's body. "Duarte, beam my commbadge directly to sickbay,
priority 1!" He said simply, fighting to catch his breathe. "Don't
worry, you've done well." He said to Mac. "They'll take care of ya." 


Rae frowned as she watched him go. "Okay," she said, swallowing the lump in her 
throat. "Let's get the rest." 


"Got him," Duarte confirmed. "Tracking your biosigns just in case, sir." 


"Thank you Duarte." He said simply and turned back to Rae, and
offered his hand. "Major Adrian Jackson Phillips, Beta Company, USS
Avalon, Lt. Xavier." He said while the rest of the marines and able
crewmen carefully brought the survivors out of the cave one by one. 


"I owe you," she responded quietly, taking the proferred hand. "Now, about the 
other six..." 


"Duarte, send shuttle two to go beam up those other bio-signs we
picked up, and make sure we positive ID them first." He said into his
comm as he watched the last few remaining wounded come out of the cave.
"Were doing our job Lt., nothing more to worry about for owing."


Rae nodded, "The six are Ensign Castinon, Ensign Langerton,
Lieutenant Briis, Lieutenant Ch’Tal, Ensign Marks, and Lieutenant
Fuller. You find them, I want them." 


His eyes were fierce when he replied back. "You can have them when
I'm through with them
, no worries there." He said simply as he turned
back to see Chapman and Carlisle approaching him. "We clear here? Time
to go find these stolen items?" And thank you to whomever led us here. He 
thought himself. 


"Aye, sir," Carlisle responded, trying to ignore the blood and grime she was 
now covered with. Deal with it, marine, she told herself grimly. 


Taking up her weapon, Rae nodded. "If it's alright with you, Major, I'd like to 
request permission to accompany you." 


"Unfortunately, I cannot authorize that, you'll have to check in
with Admiral Ketchum for clearance, since your 'fleet." He said to Rae
simply. "You've also been through alot the past few days, and we've
been prepping for this for awhile. Check with him, but my orders are to
get you back to the ship to rest up."


He turned over to his team. "Alright, lets load up and head back
for that shuttle." He waited for them to turn to head out, then he
called back. "Carisle, a moment please."


"I understand your position, Major, but I am, very literally, the
last of Resurgence security. They died for this. All of them. Please,
let me see it though. For the 'Surge." Rae pressed. "You can brief me
on the way, and I'll follow your lead. Just let me see it through."


Carlisle approached quickly. "Yes, sir?"


"I will think about it, Lt. come onboard with us but my decision
isn't fully made yet." He said simply and turned ba
ck to Carlisle. "You
doing alright? First time dealing with that sort of thing huh?" She was
green, he knew. 


Carlisle swallowed, and nodded. "I'll make it, sir. Just...didn't expect so 
much blood. Stupid, huh?" 


"Not at all, not at all." He said calmingly as the team finished
up the area around them. "No amount of training can prepare you for the
real thing, and its never pretty. You've done well today, kept your
cool and followed orders. Excellent work marine." Adrian smiled as he
gave her a salute. 

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  • » <USS Avalon> Found at last... - scurrdi