<USS Avalon> "An Ensign's Loyalties" Pt. 3

  • From: "Brad Ruder" <GroundZero@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: avalon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 12:26:52 -0700

?An Ensign?s Loyalties? ? Part Three
by Lieutenant Commander Javan Sierra

Javan tried to concentrate, meditate. His brow was furrowed and he was sweating more than he usually did. He couldn?t keep his posture and his mind roamed to far off places and remembered things from his past that had no connection with present day events. Something was throwing off his internal system and there wasn?t a thing he could do about it. There was, though, something that a Vulcan brandy could do about it.

The staunch liquid swirled around in the glass as he strode from the replicator. He sipped at it gingerly and laid on the couch, one arm draped casually across his forehead. Staring at the ceiling didn?t help, and now drinking himself into a drunken stupor wasn?t doing much either. There were so many things to think about, so many things to set straight that he didn?t know where to start ? and there wasn?t a soul he could talk to about it.

Section 31 had always been strict about rules of engagement. If someone was to discover a member of the Section then he or she was to be immediately terminated on the site without a word. Javan had jeopardized the entire Section and everything that?d it worked for by allowing the nosy Ensign to return to the safe confines of the Avalon with the knowledge of his true background.

He?d made a mistake.

There wasn?t anything else to do.

The Ensign would make a decision one way or another and Javan would have to kick back and attempt to relax while his fate hung on the shoulders of a Starfleet pup. It was disconcerting to know that your very life hung in the balance, but Javan shrugged it off.

He just hated to wait.

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  • » <USS Avalon> "An Ensign's Loyalties" Pt. 3