<USS Avalon> "A Warm Welcome" by Sussanna Jameson

  • From: Elizabeth Bethell <ejbethell@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Avalon <avalon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2005 14:54:52 +0000 (GMT)

A Warm Welcome

By Ensign Sussanna Jameson


Sussanna Jameson materialised on the transporter pad, the dizzy, sick feeling 
from transporting making her head spin a little.  She hated riding the air, no 
one ever believed it could give her travel sickness, but it always did.  
Hauling her pack higher onto her shoulder, Sussanna, the new Ensign Jameson and 
newest member of the medical and covert ops teams sauntered out of the 
transporter room and down the corridor.  She slipped a PADD from her belt and 
made a quick note of the location of her new quarters.  She had to report to 
the Chief Medical Officer and the Head of Covert Ops, fun, fun.  Hmm, I?ve 
never reported to anyone before, this could be either really fun and or really 


The ship seemed to come designed by an ancient labyrinth designer and even 
using her PADD, she was soon quite lost.  People passed her as she searched, 
but her twisted pride refused to allow her to ask anyone for help.  Bloody 
covert ops and I can?t even read a map.  Finally she found a turbolift and 
asked it for her floor.  The doors swooshed open to reveal yet another corridor 
exactly the same as the one she had just left.  Bloody brilliant, she grimaced. 
 Fortunately when she checked her PADD again it said she was just a few turns 
away from her quarters.


She was sharing with a Lil Collins, an ensign in Engineering, but when she 
entered the room it was empty.  The quarters were fairly small, a shared common 
room with two chairs and a table and two bedrooms with ensuits.  A few prints 
of Monet?s water lilies were on the walls, Lil?s she assumed, but other than 
that it was bare.  A small brown teddy bear sat forlornly on the bed in the 
right bedroom, with a crisply folded nightdress.  I?m on the left then, she 


Sussanna threw her pack onto the bed, raked through it and pulled out a small 
photo of Sydney Opera House with her parents standing in front of it looking 
happy.  She reverently placed this on the wall beside her bed and stood back.


?What do you think of your little girl now, Mum?  All grown up and an Ensign!  
Oh God, I wish I could really know what you think of me.?  She sighed and sank 
down into the only chair.  Glancing up into a mirror, Sussanna looked into her 
iron-grey eyes and grimaced.  Her platinum blonde hair was cut short and 
plastered to her head using as much gel as she could.  Reaching her hand up to 
touch it, it crunched under her fingers.  ?Ah vanity, all is vanity,? she said 
and grinned at her own silly wit.  ?You?re not really that funny, you know.?


Suddenly the door to the quarters behind her opened and she shot to her feet.  
A minute woman with short brown and blue eyes was framed in the doorway.  Her 
head was buried in a book and she completely ignored Sussanna?s presence.


?Hello, I?m your new roomy,? she said as she held out her hand.


?Hmm?  Oh yes, hello.  I?m Lil, welcome aboard I suppose.?  She didn?t even 
look up from the book and her handshake was as limp and a fish and slightly 
sweaty.  ?You?re in the left room.?  With that, Lil tossed herself onto her bed 
and rolled to face the wall.


?Well, I?m going to take a shower and then report to the Covert Ops Chief.  Um, 
bye then.?


Her roommate said nothing.  Not a very happy bunny, she thought as she slipped 
into the shower, but then neither am I.  Next stop, Covert Ops.

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  • » <USS Avalon> "A Warm Welcome" by Sussanna Jameson