atw: Re: Styles and using Word 2007

  • From: Allan Charlton <allancharlton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: austechwriter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 08 Apr 2009 12:37:05 +1000

Hi Christine
I find myself supporting Howard.

After many months of trying, I still can't find anything to love in the Word 2007 interface. I don't have any issues with the features and the way they work - they are pretty much what I expected from a new version. But I find the interface detestable. The 2003 interface was clunky, but it was relatively simple and there was some sort of logic to the placement of feaures. The 2007 interface uses up too much screen real estate (yes, I know about minimising the ribbon) and it hides too many frequently-used tools. And when I use a keyboard shortcut it offers no help - there's just a popup that tells me to keep going. What idiot did that? The 2007 interface is detestable as it comes out of the box, relying on the user to make it usable.

Howard was right when he said "it would help me understand where you're coming from if you could put into a few words just what it is about Word 2003 that is so detestable and how those shortcomings are fixed in Word 2007." That answer would be helpful to many of us.

Howard went on:
"Having now worked with W2007 for a while, it seems to me that most of the most undesirable features of W2003 - notably its appalling numbering features - are still present in W2007. There are some good new features in W2007 but they mostly seem to relate to making functions easier to find and understand. The functions themselves, though, are pretty much the same, aren't they? Well, there are new functions like Quick Parts and schemes, but they don't fix shortcomings of the previous functions, merely introduce something new. Or so it seems to me."

Again, I'm not sure we have an answer except to have faith and keep struggling.


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